Saying “Thank You” In 3 Exciting New Ways

Expressing appreciation and saying thank you doesn’t have to be hard.

How often do we utilize all the tools we have? And how often do we realize the full extent of them? Sometimes saying thank you and name tags go hand in hand. That means these personalized tools don’t always have to be used as identification in a store or office. Name tags are so much more than that!

And, to prove that notion, here are a few fun ways to let someone know just how much you care.

Engrave a new name tag with someone’s favorite thing.

using a uv logo on a name tag to create a unique thank you gift for someone specialMake each name tag unique with an image or logo of someone’s favorite animal, outdoor activity, hobby or food. With several different available printing processes, engraving isn’t the only option here. Make it as colorful as you need with full color printing, or choose specific bright colors that will stand out with a UV logo.

Name tags don’t just have to be for names. Give your best friend a new title such as “Greatest Friend Ever” or “Best BFF.” Choose their favorite color from the wide variety of plastic and metal materials and make your thank you just as unique as the recipient.

Make your appreciation memorable with a personalized desk wedge.

using a desk wedges to create a unique thank you gift for someone specialSometimes just saying the words doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Whether it’s a job well done, or for a friend who has been there through the thick and thin, sometimes a thank you needs a little bit more. Choose from our unique desk wedges and acrylic blocks something that will suit just about anyone. Each wedge will feature a special message for that special someone.

Sometimes, just remembering is the name of the game.

While it is easy to remember to say thank you for many things, sometimes the little things go without notice. If you need a little help in recognizing to say thank you, try ordering a customized sign that will remind you on a daily basis to watch for those little things. Or, order a bunch of name tags with a simple engraved message expressing your appreciation and give them out to friends, family or co-workers.

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