Amplifying your brand as a Realtor starts with wearing a name badge.
In a recent vlog for Real Estate Raw & Uncut, Byron Lazine and Tim Bray discuss the importance of why a Realtor should wear a name tag.
“Should your chest be a billboard?” questions Lazine.
“There are times when you should definitely have a name badge. Like when you are going to a national event or a local chamber meeting or things like that. I think somebody remembers your face, but they don’t remember your name,” said Bray.
“Here’s the question: Does it increase your chances of getting business?” said Bray.
“I think it does!” exclaimed Lazine.
“So that’s the answer. It kinda goes against the grain of what I’ve thought about in the past,” stated Bray.
The question is:
Does it increase your chances of getting business?
Remember that everyone is a possible client. So wearing a name tag does have the potential to increase brand awareness and get your name and reputation out there.
Lazine also spoke on the importance of amplifying your brand as a Realtor. He compared the use of a name tag to using a business card with a picture. By wearing a name tag, prospective clients, as well as current clientele, will not only remember your face, but they will associate you with the brand you are representing.
But should real estate agents wear name badges on a daily basis? Many other professions don’t wear them so that it could be perceived as cheesy or corny. And, in many cases, it depends on someone’s style. The most important thing to consider is to do what makes you feel the most confident!
Here at Coller Industries, we agree with Lazine and Bray. Name tags are important for everyone! But don’t just take our word for it. Check out the vlog (video blog) for yourself!