Customer Donations: Operation of Hope

Providing customer donations is part of who we are.

From name tags to ribbons, Coller Industries is your go-to specialist for personal identification needs. While we do pride ourselves on our service and professionalism in producing these fantastic products, our main focus is to help you, our customers! And part of this is to donate what we can, whenever we can. This month we were able to help out a wonderful cause.

operation of hope customer donations coller industries

Operation of Hope provides free, life-changing surgery and health care for children in desperate need and creates a self-sustaining program of hope through education. They are building a growing network of medical professionals that serve patients in desperate needs, so that every child has the hope of a normal life.

Operation of Hope has been a functioning organization since 1989 and performs free surgeries for children all over the world. They are currently celebrating one of their recent surgeries that was performed for Blessing Makwera.

When Blessing was 14 years old, he found a landmine detonator in a field where he lived in Zimbabwe, Africa. Blessing thought the metal object was a small electric motor. He inserted the detonator between his teeth to free his hands so he could work. In 2009, two years after the accident, the Operation of Hope Team was donating a facial reconstructive surgical mission in Zimbabwe to help those afflicted with birth defects such as cleft-lips and palates. After hearing about Operation of Hope on Zimbabwe’s only radio station, Blessing took a 6-hour bus ride by himself into the capital city of Harare so he could meet this team of volunteer surgeons.

Operation of Hope received plastic laser engraved name tags. “These name tags are for the local Zimbabwean Operating Room Staff that we partner with in Harare, Zimbabwe. These are especially helpful as we usually use paper name tags and they do not last as long nor do they look as wonderful and as professional as these do!” exclaimed Jennifer Trubenbach, CEO & Mission Director at Operation of Hope.

We are grateful for organizations such as Operation of Hope. And these donations are truly something that helps us stand out from our competition.

operation of hope coller industries customer donations
operation of hope coller industries customer donations
operation of hope coller industries customer donations

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