Your logo represents not only you and your company but also your brand and overall commitment to your clients and customers. And creating consistency by adding your logo to everything you personalize (from name tags to corporate gifts), lets people know you’re proud of what you stand for.
Consistency in logo use will make your brand an industry leader.
The word consistency isn’t the most exciting word in the English language, and it often comes with a misconception that you have to be boring to be consistent. However, this is not the case, and you can be consistent with any brand image that you want to represent, no matter how garish or out there it may be. The key is never to let that image slip.
No matter how big your company is, using your brand is what makes you stand out. And, in the name tag world, using your logo consistently on all personal identification products helps to define and identify you and your company.
From colors to logos, consistency matters.
So, using name tags, name badges and other personal identification items will establish your brand. And finding the right consistency with logos, colors and fonts helps to solidify your message. By defining what your brand is up front, you help establish your company as an industry leader. And making sure that your logo balances your brand at the top can be quite the process.
Make sure to use the same colors for all of your logo work. Find a way to keep your logo and text the same on all name tags and name plates. If your office uses signage, make sure to include the proper colors and consistency. A company who ensures that their brand is well developed will retain and obtain connections with their clients and customers.
Don’t forget to brand all your personal identification needs!
From name plates to lanyards, your brand is how you define yourself. Add logos to everything! Especially when attending conferences and other events. By wearing name tags at these events, you make yourself more visible to others, which opens the door to retention and better communication.
This consistency only works when you use your name tags and other personal identification correctly with logos, titles and names. How do you find consistency in your branding?
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