Do you ever ask what should be on your name tag? How about what size a name tag should be?
Every name tag is unique! However, there are a lot of components to each name tag. From a name or title to a logo or image, making sure you have the correct amount of space, and name tag size, for all your information can be tricky. Here’s a quick guide on how to make sure that your name tags are the right ones for you.
So, let’s get started.
The first part of this process is to determine what you actually need on your name tag. Sometimes these are as obvious as a name, title or company logo. And sometimes you need a little bit more for the name tag to be as unique as yourself. We offer several selections for material and color choices.
Once you’ve decided what needs to go on your name tag, you need to choose a size. This is where it might get a bit tricky. Choosing the right size is key to making sure you completed the first step properly. And we’re here to make sure the idea in your head matches the finished product. Remember, it may not always be a direct path to the choice you need to make.
The name tag size should be chosen so that all of the contents fit on it comfortably. If the name tag looks crowded, consider moving up to a larger size. If the name tag looks like it could fit quite a bit more text on it, consider moving down to a slightly smaller size.
The three components most considered when making your name tags are: logos, names and titles. The more components you want to include on your name tags, the bigger the name tag should be. Make sure to also take into consideration how large the logo is or how long the name/title is.
Titles are generally done in a slightly smaller font than the names, but go too small and it won’t be legible. If someone’s title is too long, it can be broken up into multiple lines on top of each other. If this is the case, the name tag will need to be taller.
Remember that someone will be wearing these name tags so you don’t want to make them too large. Consider carefully what you need to include to make each name tag the most useful.
To make it a bit easier, simply review this information every time you need to update your name tag and you can’t go wrong.
View entire infographic by clicking on the image.
(Infographic courtesy of: Melanie Bunch, Graphic Artist, Coller Industries Incorporated.)