The Three A’s of Professionalism

Appearance, accountability and ability all play into your business professionalism.

Name tags are essential for professionalism, from doctors to school teachers and everyone in between. Whether you work in the food service industry or are the CEO of a major corporation, showing professionalism by wearing a name tag will make your job easier. By attaching this simple item to your uniform or daily attire, you will stand out from all of your competitors. And they make corporate branding a breeze by identifying employees at a store even easier.

Here are some pointers on how name tags can help perfect your professionalism.


Maintaining a corporate uniform, whether certain colors or specific attire, is significant for many businesses. Adding a name tag to that uniform helps with your appearance and identifying where in the company you fit in. From a mail room attendant to the president of the company, not everyone will immediately know your name. But, by wearing a name tag as part of your uniform or daily attire, you encourage interaction and promote company branding.

Examples of adhesive name badges with handwritten names to show professionalism.

From color choices to adding text, a name tag is an important piece to add to your wardrobe. And, with so many colors and materials to choose from, finding that perfect name tag is easy. Logos and graphics are also an ideal way to promote your company from within and throughout each day as every employee interacts with clients, customers and the general public.

Remember that appearance is important in many professions. Maintaining professionalism is easy with the proper name tag.


It is always important to hold yourself accountable for your actions when working. Wearing a name tag will help you maintain that accountability and increase your professionalism. Name tags can also increase productivity because wearing identification tends to make someone more responsible and aware of their actions.

Whether in a difficult situation or merely representing the company at an event, name tags are sure to help keep employees accountable and maintain professionalism.


A photo ID badge with a logo, full name and job title.

Professionalism is about focusing on finding a solution. And with a name tag, finding that focus has never been easier. By holding yourself accountable, you will develop the necessary job skills, keep up with time management and find any needed solutions for your company. These abilities are essential for keeping a strong work ethic and showing others you can be professional.

So, stay on task and show professionalism by wearing a name tag. By identifying yourself, you show others you know what you are doing and are proud of it. Let your name tag become part of who you are and help to maintain the image of a job well done.

Making Family Reunion Memories

From icebreakers to basic identification, name tags are a must at your family reunion. No matter the size of your family, getting everyone together in one place and at one time is a massive undertaking. Making sure that everyone in attendance knows each other at your next family reunion can be a daunting task.

Using name tags helps ease almost any burden when planning such an event. But remember that name tags are not just for names. Here are a couple of ideas to help you get started.

Basic identification with badge holders

use badge holders for family tree information at your family reunion

Yup, we said it. Use your badge holders for names! Remember to include first and last, but you can also use these badges for icebreakers. Add fun facts about each person or add a conversation starter such as the words, “Ask me _,” to get all the partygoers interested in each other.

Another fun idea is to use badge holders to indicate family tree lines. Either create a tree and print it on the inserts or have party attendants draw their tree. And use the fun insert colors to indicate specific family lines. That way, each family member can quickly associate which line they are from.

Don’t forget the games and souvenirs!

adhesive name badges are great for games and icebreakers at any family reunion

There are many ways to use adhesive name badges at your next family reunion. From games to easy identification, the possibilities are endless. And one of the easiest things to do at a reunion is play games. These games can be nearly anything. Print on adhesive name badges or have pens available for contestants to write names and other things. With these easy to use stickers, everyone can participate in your family reunion games.

Even get the kids involved in learning who their cousins are. Send them on a scavenger hunt with a dry erase photo book made from badge holders to find as many relatives as possible. Name tags help to identify each family member so that the kids can find people quickly. Then, take these photo books home as a souvenir of your exciting family reunion.

dry erase photo book

No matter your identification choice, use any of our name tag products at your next family reunion.

Find badge holders, adhesive badges and more:

Reusable Name Badges Are For Everyone!

From adhesive badges to custom designed name tags, reusable name badges are definitely still in style.

We realize that not everyone is in love with the idea of wearing name tags. And this even extends to attendees at a conference or corporate meeting. However, knowing who people are at your next event is not only smart, but it is also convenient. From being able to recognize different people, to understanding what branding is, reusable name badges are an important concept at any event or company.

To understand why name tags are important, here are several situations and the corresponding reasons to use name tags.

Conferences and Events

No matter your industries, rubbing elbows with colleagues is important for everyone. Conferences and other events help you by networking with potential business partners and possible clients. By wearing a name tag, you make yourself more approachable. You also provide a way for those around you to quickly identify you and remember who you are.

Reusable name tags, like these speedy badges, are perfect for conferences and events.

Reusable name badges are perfect for conferences due to their flexibility. If you are planning a conference, make sure to look at everything we have to offer! From adhesive name badges that are simple to attach, to Speedy Badges that come with a fastener option, each product has its advantages. Being able to quickly attach a name badge is definitely something to consider when purchasing identification for your next conference or event.

Temporary Employees and Visitors

For companies or organizations with high-turnovers or constant visitors greatly benefit from reusable name badges. Leave a lasting impression on your visitors by letting them borrow a fancy name tag made exclusively for them. Not only will they immediately feel welcome, but they will know that your business cares. And that means your brand will stick in their mind and you can guarantee that they will be back.

Reusable name tags, like these Mighty Badges, are perfect for temporary employees and visitors.

Many companies find the need to hire more employees during holiday months or for different events. Using reusable name badges helps keep identification costs under control. And, there are many available products to choose from to match whatever your need. From Speedy Badges and Mighty Badges to a simple engraved logo on a metal name tag, we’re sure to have something to match your brand and need.

Schools, Offices and Stores

Having identification is almost a must in these situations. And, when using identification at schools, name tags are often used for security purposes. Not only will reusable name badges identify teachers and assistants, but they also work for students. During the first few school days, teachers often need a little help remembering everyone. Adhesive Name Badges are perfect for this. With their single use, they accomplish so much! Each child can write their name and no one will be forgotten.

Reusable name badges are perfect for any school setting.

Offices and stores can benefit from these reusable name badges just as much as schools. Products like Mighty Badges are easy to use and quick to assemble. And, if someone moves on from your company, it’s easy to pass on the name tag. Printable inserts are a perfect way to control name badge costs.

Name tags are not all created equal, and we understand that the best! There are endless ways to use reusable name badges. So, no matter your name tag needs, remember to weigh all your options before making your final decision.

Find the best option to meet your needs at

Name Tags: Making A Personal Connection

Greeting someone by using their name establishes a personal connection. Remembering someone’s name is the best way to get their attention. Using a name shows courtesy and respect toward them. It’s a way of making a positive impression on someone. And, to some, it’s the most important sound of their day.

Why is it so important to hear your name? Your name is what connects you to your family and friends. It’s what makes you so unique. Without your name, you are just another face in a crowd. And when someone uses your name, any situation becomes personal.

Dale Carnegie, an expert in relationship building, tells us, “A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”

Reusable name badges help to make a personal connection in almost every situation

Name tags are the perfect way to make sure that someone knows your name. And they are increasingly important in the world today. How can someone, whether a fellow employee or a customer, connect with you without knowing your name?

There are so many reasons to be wearing a name tag.

When working, name tags help provide security and a sense of belonging. They also help those around you to know who you are and if you can help with something they might need.

Logo name tags help to make a personal connection in almost every situation

Another reason to wear a name tag is demonstrated by this poignant, albeit brief, interaction.

“This morning, I was at the local coffee shop. The young lady who prepared my coffee was wearing a name tag, and I was able to thank her by using her name. I could tell this made her feel good and appreciated.”

Using a person’s name shows that you have gone out of your way and taken the time to make a personal connection to them. Remember, business is not only about selling or making money. It’s about connecting with those around you. Without a personal connection, no goods or service are shared. Nothing will happen. Once that connection has been made, you can form a trusted relationship.

Name tags make every connection emotional and personal. It causes people to remember with whom they are doing business. It sets an individual apart and makes them feel special. And it’s the best way to get someone’s attention.

Shop different name tag types today!

Thanksgiving, name tags and the best customers!

Thanksgiving is so close that we can smell the turkey in the oven! Families will soon gather in dining rooms across this great nation. And thankfulness is found everywhere. Celebrating Thanksgiving allows us to focus on our blessings, giving thanks for what we have, and for the freedoms which we all enjoy.

We here at Coller Industries Incorporated just wanted to take the time to say Happy Thanksgiving and give thanks to all of our customers, new and old, that have supported our business over the past year. Thank you for stopping by, leaving a comment, and shopping our large name tag selection. We are blessed to be part of your personalized identification needs.

To help celebrate Thanksgiving, here is a list of products we are thankful for.

Mighty Badges with a message saying Happy Thanksgiving

Reusable name badges, like these Mighty Badges, are great for quickly adding any holiday cheer.

Great impressions at conferences and meetings are a must! And with event name tags, networking is easy and affordable.

Style and ease are a must with reusable name badges and Speedy Badges accomplish just that!

Contemporary Name Plates are easy to use and are the perfect solution for providing employee identification for desks, cubicles and offices!

There are also a few customers that we need to thank:

We appreciate all of our customers who ask all the right questions. Thank you for your continued encouragement and suggestions.

All of our new customers which we gained this year. Thank you for placing your trust in us and our products.

We love all of our repeat customers; loyalty sits well with us!

And most of all YOU!

We appreciate your friendship, business and the confidence you have placed in us. So, on behalf of all of us at Coller Industries Incorporated, our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving.

Enjoy the day, your meal and especially the company of your family and friends, and let us know what you are grateful for. And in case you did not know: