How to Commit to Quality Using Name Tags

From customer service to team building, every business should commit to quality using name tags.

show that you commit to quality with custom name tagsWhat does commit to quality mean?

COMMIT: to carry into action deliberately; pledge or bind (a person or an organization) to a certain course or policy.

QUALITY: the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.

Why would a company need to commit to quality?

In most cases, businesses who do not have a commitment to quality fail. Yes, a company who doesn’t maintain quality in their service or goods can succeed. However, it is far more likely for a business to succeed when they focus and commit to quality.

Author of Out of the Crisis, W. Edwards Deming wrote, “Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs.”

The message to learn from this statement is that no matter the service or product, consistent quality must be your primary business focus. And with that knowledge, you can make sure that your business maintains quality throughout your production and practices.

Deming also wrote, “Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for massive inspection by building quality into the product in the first place.”

Constancy of purpose means that quality decisions are not situational. End of month quality is the same as the beginning of the month. It means that the long term benefit of the organization is not sacrificed to hit quarterly targets. It means having your eye on the competition, whether it is in your industry or coming from elsewhere, with plans to stay ahead.

When a company commits to quality, they must do so from day one. Once a specific quality standard is set, it must be upheld at all production stages and in all departments. And, communicating this standard of quality to your customers is an absolute must. Make sure that your customers understand that when you commit to quality that it isn’t just for your company, it’s for them!

How do name tags help with committing to quality?

To commit to quality is easier than you might think. For a lot of professions, appearance is a crucial factor in this quality. So, maintaining your commitment to quality is easy with a uniform and the proper name tag. Whether you choose a daily business attire like a suit and tie or a matching polo shirt for each of your employees, don’t forget that name tag.

use name tags to establish brand consistency and commit to qualityWhether your job is in the food service industry or you are a CEO of a major corporation, showing professionalism by wearing a name tag is sure to make your job a bit easier. By attaching this simple item to your uniform or daily attire, you will stand out from all of your competitors. And, they make corporate branding a breeze by identifying employees at any business even easier.


From branding to color matching, name tags, like uniforms, help to symbolize your quality. Creating a positive influence with your brand means guaranteeing that all of the services and products of your business are consistent. Employees and customers know when that consistency is not present. So, make sure to choose name tags that reflect your brand’s commitment to quality. And once this is accomplished, showing that you commit to quality is easy.

Company name tags show you care about the quality of your brand. When employees wear name tags, they are more accountable for their actions as customers can comment on them by name. And branded name tags prove to customers that you pay attention to all details. So, when you commit to quality, it helps you gain public trust and grow your business.

Coller Industries commits to quality with every name tag!

For the past five years, Coller Industries has kept its error rate under 1%. In 2018, our overall error rate was 0.386%, which means that only 1 in about 260 orders contained an error. Considering that each product has up to 15 variables, we are proud of this accomplishment. It is thanks to our careful checking process and customer satisfaction guarantee that we can achieve this. And, because of our company procedures, each customer will walk away with a positive consumer experience and the identification products they need.

Investing in the proper tools also shows that you want to commit to quality. From name tags to lanyards and even custom ribbons, help your business branding with logos, colors and so much more!

A Conversation With A Name Badge

Have you ever talked with an inanimate object? Well, today, we’re sharing a recent conversation we had with a name badge!

colors, text and logos are all key features of a name badgeWe sat down over the long, holiday weekend with a Name Badge and asked several questions about how a name badge works and why they think their job is so important. Here are the top three questions from that interview.

Question 1: Describe Your Job

Reporter: I would like to start with a simple question, Name Badge. Please explain your job and what it is that you do on a daily basis.

Name Badge: Whoa! Slow down there! That’s a super detailed question, and it will take more than just a few minutes to answer. Are you sure you want to start with that one?

Reporter: Yes, I am sure.

use logo name tags and name badge to brand your companyName Badge: Alright, glad you’re sitting down. So, here it goes. Although my job isn’t a simple one, it is reasonably easy to do. You see, the basic concept of my job is to let people know my name. But, here’s where it gets complicated. My name changes. My design changes. Sometimes I have color and sometimes I’m plain or even blank.

Reporter: That is a lot to take in, Name Badge. But I think you’re deviating from the question. What is your job?

Name Badge: First off, call me NB, it’s easier. In a nutshell, my job is to tell others who I am.

Reporter: That doesn’t sound too hard, NB. So, why do you think it’s so complicated?

NB: My job is complicated because of the many different ways people customize and use me.

Question 2: What Customizations Are Available?

NB: As I mentioned before, my design changes. Some people use their first name. Others use first and last names, while still others add titles, company names and sometimes even logos. And, I come in many different colors. I’m a chameleon that way. Oh, and sometimes people write on me.

Reporter: So, basically what you are telling me is that you have many faces? If that is the case, how do people know how to use you?

NB: Yes, I do have many faces. And sometimes that makes it a bit harder to use me. Although, to most people, using me is a natural thing; especially when those people work in stores or offices with tons of employees. Most know that I wear best on the right side of their shirt, but sometimes people put me in their pockets or place me where I’m hard to read. I do my job best when worn correctly.

Question 3: Finding Your Best Feature

Reporter: So, NB, if you’re appropriately worn and used correctly, what is your best feature?

NB: You like asking loaded questions, don’t you?

Reporter: What do you mean?

use a name badge to show your name, your company's name and your logoNB: Well, my best feature is the one the consumer likes the most. So, if they worked hard on their company’s branding, the logo would be my best feature. But, if the person wearing me needs others to know that they are a volunteer, then my title would be my best feature. Does that make sense?

Reporter: Yes, I suppose it does. So, your best feature is what others need it to be?

NB: Exactly!

Reporter: Wow! I’ve learned a lot from you today, NB. Thanks. I should probably be wearing a name badge, too!

The Best Features of Name Tags

What are name tag features and why are they so important? From security to basic identification, name tags are used for a variety of reasons. And, because of their distinguishing features, name tags are the perfect tool for everyone! They prove useful at meetings, conventions and in an office setting. No matter where you are, you’re sure to find a use for name tags.

And, here’s why!

classic name tags have features to help maintain individuality with names and titlesName Tag Features: Names, Titles and Pictures

The primary and most noticeable feature of a name tag is to display someone’s name. One of the most important things a name tag accomplishes is to identify the wearer. When a retail employee wears a name tag with a company name or logo visible on it, that name badge becomes a subtle form of advertising, and it reinforces that company’s brand into the minds of customers. Pictures also accomplish this same task.

Titles are also important, especially at a convention or large corporate meeting. Having a person’s title on a name tag is just as important as their name. This title defines the wearer and makes them more accessible to those looking for specific types of people at these large events.

By providing everyone at a conference or other event with identification, it reinforces their identities. And, this is indeed one of the essential features of a name tag.

the features found on photo id badges are perfect for security and brandingName Tag Features: Security and Branding

This fundamental feature isn’t just for use at a convention. Use name tags in offices and retail establishments for employees to recognize those who belong. As an example, if an employee is accustomed to seeing his or her fellow employees with name tags, an abnormality would be spotted easier. This is particularly true for a company that deals with sensitive information or products. Anyone that may be out of place would be immediately detected to help maintain the company’s security.

And, don’t forget branding! Leave your mark by adding a logo to all of the name tags in your office. Or, when creating name tags for a conference, add different company logos to each group’s name tags. Each company will appreciate this branding, and it also helps with continued recognition for each brand.

add a logo and other features to your name tags to increase relatabilityRelatability and Professionalism

Business name tags subtly encourage the wearer to maintain some professionalism. Sometimes it is easy for employees to forget where they are, but by adding a name badge or name tag, this is less likely to happen. While there is nothing wrong with having a casual working environment, a name tag will ensure a certain amount of professionalism.

The features of a name tag such as a name and company brand will also increase relatability for customers and clients. By wearing identification, employees immediately allow others to see who they are and thereby make themselves more approachable.

So, no matter your reason for wearing a name tag, remember these key features. And don’t forget to include them on all of your personal identification tools.

Company Branding with Name Tags

Branding is one of the most important parts of any business. And, it doesn’t matter if that business is large or small. Building a strong brand helps a company or organization be financially secure. Product marketing is really where this process all begins.

company and corporate branding with name tags name badges and lanyards
What is company branding?

A company’s brand is what they are, what they want to be, and what they aim to become. It can be a promise of quality, trust or service.

A brand is what makes a company or organization truly unique. Branding should make any business stand out from its competitors. It lets the consumer know what to expect from that company.

To be successful in marketing a company’s brand, a strong branding or marketing strategy must be present. To determine the brand of a business, a target market and the product or service needs to be identified.

By doing so, the organization can communicate the brand to this target market. And with the use of personalized ribbons, a company’s brand will truly stand out. Personalized ribbons are truly a great tool for company branding.

A few things to consider when working with a brand:

logo name tags and name badges are great for corporate and company branding

Brand Identity: This is the customer’s knowledge of and ability to recognize the brand.

Brand Meaning: This is the character of the brand beyond the image. And, it includes product or business features, reliability, value and experience.

Consumer Relationship: This is the attitude of the customer toward the brand.

Remember that a brand is the means to communicate with a chosen market. Each brand needs to be visually stimulating. This encourages product loyalty. Carefully designed branding leads to a secure business or organization. An organization’s brand should possess the above characteristics.

Many of our name tags and other personalized products can have a logo added. Name tags can be laser engraved or printed with a logo and company name as well as a person’s name. Reusable name badges come with printable inserts that can easily have a company logo added. Even order custom lanyards with a company or organization logo to promote branding at a corporate event.

A company brand serves as a promise to the customer.

Remember that the brand will be used in a marketing strategy and requires extensive research. This applies no matter if the business offers a service or product. Consumers must understand a brand to increase the effectiveness and value for the company.

Improving Business In 4 Easy Steps

Here are a few quick and easy ways to help you improve your business with ONE tool!

Being able to recognize someone instantly is a huge benefit to a business these days. It will also contribute to improving your business contacts and employee relationships. Following is a quick list of four ways to improve your overall business by introducing name tags into your daily life.

First, it gives your employee a name!

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsSometimes you might run into an old friend or acquaintance while you are out shopping or at a business function. But, most of the time, you won’t know too many people. All companies can benefit from their employees using name badges. Provide employees, volunteers or event-goers with a name tag or name badge for easy identification.

With each person displaying their name on a name tag, customers and attendees will quickly identify the people they need to ask for help. And when that happens, the employee’s confidence and comfort level increases. All in all, wearing a name tag encourages people to be more mindful of their surroundings.

Second, they provide security!

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsBy giving employees name tags, you are providing security for your office or store. And, who doesn’t want a secure business? With a simple branding logo, employees are easily identified by customers and other employees. No one will ever have to guess at who their coworkers are again.

Another great tool for security is our photo ID badges. By adding a picture, a name and a logo, the wearer is sure to get noticed; and for all the right reasons!

Third, name tags help to hold employees accountable.

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsThis simple tool, similar to a uniform, is the perfect way to remind an employee of where they are. It gives them a sense of direction and purpose. And, it makes it easy for you to follow or spot them in a crowd of customers or event attendees. It is another way to ensure your employees are representing you and your business in the exact way you need to be represented.

Fourth, help yourself in rewarding/disciplining your employees.

When issues arise at your office, store or restaurant and you find a customer needs to speak with management, it becomes easier to identify the employee that needs to be pulled aside. Whether that is for a job well done or a little bit of coaching, a name tag helps the customer know who to report if or when it becomes necessary.

Names are what it’s all about these days in business. Do your customers know your’s and your employee’s names? Help them out with a name tag today at!