What is a Full Bleed??

Our lovely customer service agent have recently been getting a few questions regarding our full bleed process and what that means. We thought it would be helpful to do an explanation of our full bleed process. This only applies to our full color printed tags.

So for starters: A full or partial bleed is when you would like color printed over the whole or half of the tag.

Full Bleed:

A full bleed is when you want a certain color printed over the entire tag. It will extend all the way to the edge of the tag. This is a great way to completely customize the way your tags look.

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Partial Bleed:

A partial bleed is when you would like color to spread over only some of the tag. This is usually a style choice.

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Any time you choose to have a full or partial bleed on your tags it will add an additional $0.60 per tag.

Still have questions? Give one of our customer service agents a call today!


Name Tag Day is a huge success!

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Photo courtesy of nametagday.com

A couple of weeks ago we made a huge donation in order to support a new holiday being started in New York, called Name Tag Day. June 1st has come and gone and the holiday was a huge success!

The whole goal of Name Tag Day is to get people to open up to each other and talk! On that day hundreds and hundreds of Instagram and Twitter posts poured in with pictures of people wearing name tags, and connecting.

We couldn’t be more pleased to hear that this event went well. Name Tag, Inc’s donation process is all about helping people.

We received this letter from them:

“Dear Name Tag, Inc. team,

We just completed Nametag Day to incredible success, with 100 volunteers giving out 20,000 name tags. We can honestly say that we couldn’t have done this without you.

Because you saw the potential for this day early on and were so supportive, giving Nametag Day such an incredible boost we’ve been able to better get the word out and more effectively spread joy.

Thank you again!

Ale, Brett, Dina, Julia, Matt, Mike Nick, Pete, and Tim”

Thank you, guys for the sweet thank you note! We are so glad that everything went so well!

Would your organization benefit from a donation? Please feel free to contact us with your information! We can be reached at marketing@nametag.com.

Would you like to purchase some adhesive name tags of your own?

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Mother’s Day Signs!

Mother’s day is quickly approaching, and we have a great idea on what you should get your mom this year! Our fantastic graphic designer whipped up a word art sign! This is a custom laser engraved product.

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We combined a whole bunch of nice messages for her mom, and put them all together on the sign. To make it looked more finished we put in in a picture frame.

Does this sound like something you want for your mom?

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Reusable Name Plates – Daily Specials

There’s a lot you can do with the changeable names on reusable name plates. What’s often overlooked is their ability to provide different information to customers each day. This ability could be very helpful for restaurants to show different daily specials in a very professional manner. The same holds true for high end coffee shops that change the brews they offer from day to day or even hour to hour.

Surely you’ve seen specials just written on a scrap of paper and haphazardly posted somewhere around a restaurant. Did this detract from the customer experience for you? Wouldn’t it be better if they were displayed on something that better represented the restaurant?

Reusable name plates can be printed out on transparency sheets and be saved to cycle back through if it’s a recurring special. In the example we have shown above, we have printed a two color logo and ‘Soup of the Day’ onto the metal. The transparencies were printed and slid into place for the two different soups.

We really think that utilizing reusable name plates could help make your establishment stand out. On top of that, they could be a huge time saver if you’re constantly switching things out.

Come get your personalized reusable name plates today and see what they can do for you!

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Donation Spotlight: AIESEC

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Recently we were able to donate 400 of our badge holders, and 400 of our round lanyards to AIESEC for their 2012-2013 US Winter National Conference.
They are present in over 113 countries and territories and have over 86,000 members! AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization. They are focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development. AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships, experience leadership and participate in a global learning environment. What makes AIESEC unique is the youth driven impactful experience that it offers to its members. AIESEC is run by young people for young people, enabling a strong experience to all its stakeholders. In return for our donation we had them answer a few questions about their fantastic organization, and send us a few pictures of their event!

What is the name of your company or organization? Do you have a mission statement?

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization, present in over 113 countries and territories and with over 86,000 members, Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships, experience leadership and participate in a global learning environment.

What was donated to you? How did it help with your event?

We received 200 dollars worth of Nametags. Your donation greatly helped us to cover our accommodation cost, resulting in making the price per delegate cheaper and opening up this opportunity to more young leaders.

What was the nature of your event (conference, charity event, party, etc.), and was it a success?

2012-2013 AIESEC US Winter National Conference’s aim was to review and analyze past performance of 43 local committees in the United States, understand deviations, and plan for the future of AIESEC US with an estimated 400 young leaders from all over the country, while participating in leadership workshops that helped develop their global mindset. AIESEC US considers your support vital to the development of our members. With your great help, the conference could be successfully hosted.

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If you could describe your company/organization 3 words what would they be?

Leadership: AIESEC is a leadership platform for today’s brightest and most ambitious youth.

Network: AIESEC offers young leaders to gain access to the largest international student network in the world.

(Ex)Change: AIESEC facilitates life-changing cultural exchange of individuals to and from the farthest edges the globe.

Do you have any other comments you would like to add?

On behalf of AIESEC United States Inc., I would like to thank you for your donations. We could not have done it without you and your support to help us make this event such an amazing success. Our organization is looking forward to having a strong partnership with your organization. We hope you will honor us in the future by supporting our events and remaining in contact.

What a wonderful organization! Click the link below to visit their website!

Click here!