UV Name Plates: The best of both worlds

We would like to introduce you to our newest product! Our amazing UV Color Logo Name Plates. We have been working on getting this product out for the last few months, and we are so pleased that we can bring them to the public.

Our multicolor logo plastic name plates use two different processes to make sure that you get exactly what you want from your new name plates. Your logo will be full color printed, so we can guarantee that your colors and graphics will be high resolution and quality. The name and title will be engraved, and you may choose any of our plastic colors.


Name Tag, Inc, Coller Industries, or Personalized Ribbons?

For those of you that have called us recently, you may have heard us answering the phone: “Thank you for calling Coller Industries. How can I direct your call?” For many of you this may be very confusing! What happened to Name Tag, Inc?! I work with them! Well, we would like to put your fears to rest!

In 1996, our CEO, Clyde Coller, founded Name Tag, Inc. We started out making name tags only, but in our many years as a company we have increased our product base a great deal!
As many of you know we sell much more than name tags now. Our hard working marketing department, in collaboration with our owners, have decided that the people need to know that we can do so much more than make name tags now! For that reason we have started calling ourselves Coller Industries, Inc. This name incorporates Name Tag, Inc, and our other website, Personalized Ribbons.

Our goal is to spread the word to all of our fantastic customers.

We can do so much more than just name tags!

To see what we can do for you visit our websites!

Personalized Ribbons

Name Tag, Inc


Donation Spotlight: WhatCanWe.org

Recently we had the chance to get involved with a wonderful group called WhatCanWe.org. This fantastic group raises money to help injured and sick animals in shelters to increase their chances of being adopted. We spoke with Beth, the CEO of the organization, and asked her a few questions.

NT: What is the name of your company or organization? Do you have a mission statement?

Beth: The name of our organization is “WhatCanWe.org” our mission is:  WhatCanWe.org raises funds to offset animal rescues’ veterinary costs, which often account for more that 50% of their operating budget. By relieving rescues of this burden, we can help save millions of animals from euthanasia in shelters.

NT: What was donated to you? How did it help your organization?

Beth: Coller Industries(Name Tag, Inc) donated magnetic name badges with our color logo for each of our Board members. This donation will help WhatCanWe.org raise brand awareness, help us with community outreach at events and it will make our Board Members will have a greater sense of belonging and commitment each and every time they proudly place their beautiful Coller name badge above their heart.

NT: If you could describe your company/organization in 3 words what would they be?

Beth: Innovative, Healing, Resourceful… at both ends of the leash.

NT: Do you have any other comments you would like to add?

Beth: I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Coller Industries for integrating generosity into their corporate strategy. Corporate Benevolence is what enables so many needed nonprofit organizations to accomplish their charitable missions. WhatCanWe.org knows that our communities thrive when we find ways to provide “Healing at Both Ends of The Leash”.

On behalf of animals in shelters everywhere we at Coller Industries (Name Tag, Inc.) would like to express our thanks to the people who are donating their time and money to this fantastic cause. We are so happy we had the chance to help.

Donation Spotlight: Harvard Women in Computer Science

A couple of weeks ago we had the pleasure of working with the group Harvard Women in Computer Science. We donated some product to them, and in return, one of their members was able to answer some of our questions about who they are and what they stand for. We spoke to JN, and she was great!

Name Tag: What is the name of your company or organization? Do you have a mission statement?

JN: Harvard Women in Computer Science organized our first annual Women Engineers Code (WECode) conference this past weekend. We are dedicated to building a network of technical women across universities and industries. We believe every girl should have equal opportunity and encouragement to pursue a technical field and we strive to promote awareness and build a community at Harvard and beyond.

Name Tag: What was donated to you? How will it help your organization?
JN: Coller Industries was kind enough to donate 11, 2×3 engraved name badges for the committee members running the event. The committee had worked so hard to make this 300 person conference possible and it was wonderful to have such a professional and unique recognition of their efforts. The badges also streamlined the functionality of the conference itself since attendees knew they could go to members wearing the badges to ask questions.

Name Tag: If you could describe your organization in three words, what would they be?

JN: Technical, Female, Community

Name Tag: Do you have any other comments you would like to add?

JN: Thank you so much for working with us to make this possible. It was our first year holding the conference, and the first time many of the committee members had ever worked on a conference. It was great to have the name tags as a surprise gift for them to wear on the day of the conference because it recognized their efforts and legitimized our event. We look forward to building this relationship with Coller Industries.

Donation Spotlight: Shocco Springs Conference Center

Recently, we donated some product to the Shocco Springs Conference Center. We had a chance to chat with Lauren about their organization, and here is what she had to say.

Name Tag: What is the name of your company or organization? Do you have a mission statement?

Lauren: Shocco Springs Conference Center. Our mission is to provide a distinctly Christian environment for spiritual transformation and renewal.

Name Tag: What was donated to you? How will it help your organization?

Lauren: 600 lanyards were donated to us. These lanyards will be used for a marriage conference that we will be hosting February 28, 2014 through March 2, 2014. This conference is the first of what we hope will be an annual event that will focus on building marriages and inspiring couples. This donation was helpful to our organization because it allowed us to have quality name badges that we could not have otherwise afforded.

Name Tag: If you could describe your organization in three words what would they be?

Lauren: Passionate, caring and fun!

Name Tag: Do you have any other comments you would like to add?

Lauren: Shocco Springs is a Christian conference center in Talladega, AL, that has been serving Christian and nonprofit organizations for over 65 years. We host events for groups ranging from two to 1400 participants. We offer quality lodging, meeting rooms, recreation and meals. For more information about who we are and what we offer, you can visit our website www.shocco.org.

We are so thankful for this donation, and want you to know that it will continue to be a blessing to our organization as well as the many other nonprofit and Christian organizations that hold events at our facilities who will be able to make use of these lanyards as well.

You can check out the conference center on their website at www.shocco.org.