The Importance of Wearing A Name Tag (Part 3)

Is it necessary to wear a name tag? (Part 3 of 3)

Scott Ginsberg name tags name badges approachability

“If everybody wears name tags, no more fighting, no more intolerance and no more disrespect.”

~Scott Ginsberg~

Name tags are part of many people’s daily lives. They are worn at department stores, restaurants and many other places in order to identify the wearer to the patrons of these establishments. Pulling from the definition of a name tag: it is an identification label worn as a means of showing one’s name and/or affiliation.

Scott Ginsberg has come up with a philosophy about wearing these name tags. “Everyone should wear name tags, all the time, everywhere, forever.” Scott is The Name Tag Guy. He is the only person in the world who wears a name tag 24-7. He has taken this simple idea and turned it into a business and his adventures have earned him recognition as “The World’s Foremost Expert on Name Tags.” Scott has written several books on approachability, marketing, branding, leadership, creativity and business strategy. He also speaks about these topics.

“A few years ago I gave a speech to a group of individuals with disabilities. I was terrified. I thought the message would go completely over their heads. And I assumed that their intelligence level would keep them from understanding me. I was wrong. They loved it. Best audience I’ve ever had. Afterward, a young man from the front row ran up to me with a huge smile on his face. And although his mental condition made it very difficult for him to speak, he placed his hand on my chest and said: ‘It’s not the name tag; it’s the heart behind it.’ Just because someone is broken doesn’t mean they can’t teach you.”

adhesive name badge name tagThese special people taught Scott a great lesson and everyone else can learn the same. Name tags may be a standard in many places, but they are unique. They present you in a way that is very specific to you. No one else can take credit for you, except you. So, in answer to the original question, YES! It become necessary at a point in everyone’s life to wear a name tag.

Whether it’s for professional or social reasons, name tags will always play an important role in your life. To quote Scott, “Through the basic unit of self-disclosure, we reduce the social distance between each other. We don’t have to snap our fingers to get someone’s attention. We just say their name and start engaging. The name tag is a conversational entry point. It’s an interactional accelerator. Permission granted, socialization ensues and the lines of communication are sparked open.”

The Importance of Wearing A Name Tag (Part 2)

Why should you WANT to wear a name tag? (Part 2 of 3)

adhesive name badges name tags with a logo

Let’s define what is a name tag: A name tag is an identification tag or label worn on the outermost clothing as a means of showing one’s name and/or affiliation. Name tags may be temporary, such as the iconic “My Name Is:” sticker, or permanent, such as a metal name tag worn at a retail store by the employees.

There are many types of fasteners to go with your name tag. These include deluxe magnets, pins, swivel bulldog clips, double clutch fasteners, pocket clips and more. Deluxe magnets have become more popular for name tags because they do not puncture clothing with pins. Name tags can also be worn around the neck using a lanyard.

Now on to the question of why one should WANT to wear a name tag. By wearing a name tag, one sets themselves apart from those in close proximity. Each name tag can bear a person’s name or title to help in this distinguishing. The point is that the wearer becomes unique by utilizing the simplicity of a name tag.

On a more technical note, name tags are used by many companies, such as restaurants and retailers, so that customers may identify an employee by name. Others use name tags for professional settings. These include universities, banks and other companies where employees typically do not wear uniforms.

The main usage of wearing a name tag is to provide a distinguishing feature to the wearer. These identifiers have become an important and vital part of many companies while allowing each employee to wear any required daily business style and still remain unique in their own aspect.

By wearing a name tag, one becomes more approachable. It’s all about friendliness and identity. Most people are cautious about strangers these days, but by donning a name tag, one provides an immediate breaking of the ice. By branding/personalizing yourself, you benefit those around you in helping them remember who you are. Set the trend and let those around you really know who you are!

name tags name badges

The Importance of Wearing A Name Tag (Part 1)

Why are name tags important? (Part 1 of 3) While the importance of wearing a name tag will be covered, first things first. Most people don’t randomly search for name tags. Those who do search for name tags are specifically looking for the product that will best suit their needs; whether at work or for another purpose (e.g., conferences or parties) name tags come in quite handy.

So, first things first, right? Why should you go to for your name tag needs? Check out what our other customers have to say about us!

Customer Reviews

Name tag example package to help learn the importance of name tags.

M. Whitfield said, “Requested a sample…sales rep incredibly friendly. Sample arrived in timely manner. Great product, great service!”

C. Price said, “I have ordered the Mighty Badges from you many times and we have always been happy with them.”

L. Planchard said, “I used your chat function for a question and it was great! Fast and efficient. Easy site, too!”

M. Shaw said, “Very easy to move through your website. Simple. Great selections. Tried many other sites, none had small quantities allowed.”

Badge holder with a deluxe magnetic fastener.

N. Byrne said, “A co-worker ordered your magnetic name tags for use by our volunteers during an event held here in the City, and they were the perfect size! I would like all my staff who deal with the public to wear them. Clean and customizable. Just perfect!”

B. Martin said, “I just reordered some name tags and in the small box we a 3 fold flier that had some products listed on it and it triggered my mind that I needed to order the whole office name plates.”

Patrick said, “Your folks sent me the original proof very quickly. I requested some changes and the new proofs were available the next day! When I received the final product…it was just as I expected.”

A.M. Pratt said, “Used you guys in the past at companies that I have previously worked for. Great product, great service.”

Badge holder with printed insert and stock imprinted badge ribbon.

V. Meagher said, “First website I found that had the simple ribbons I needed for name badges and a straightforward way of ordering the quantities that I required. You made it easy. Thank you.”

K. Southerland said, “I enjoyed the fact that what I needed was right there and straight to the point. I didn’t need to guess about anything. Thank you.”

*All of these comments have been left through our customer service satisfaction survey.

Don’t just take our word for it! Check us out for all of your personal identification needs, and to learn more about the importance of wearing a name tag.

Donation Spotlight: Pediatric Smiles of Orem

name tags, full color, uv printed

Recently we had the opportunity to donate to Pediatric Smiles of Orem. They are a fantastic local dental office that sponsors programs to go to South American countries and teach children about dental health and hygiene. We spoke to Gemma from their office, and she answered some questions for us!

Name Tag: What is the name of your organization? Do you have a mission statement?

Gemma: Pediatric Smiles of Orem – Our mission is to be the premier pediatric dental office in Utah. Our dentists and team are knowledgeable, respectful, detail oriented, caring, and personable. We strive daily for professional dental excellence through our caring, sincere, and professional treatment for each patient. We promote superior dental health through precise diagnosis, expertise in dental procedures, and advanced patient education.

Name Tag: What was donated to you? How will it help your organization?

Gemma: We received name tags. It will help the children become more familiar with office stuff and be on a first name basis with them. This helps the children be more at ease in their surroundings as they have something familiar/a familiar face around them.

Name Tag: If you could describe your company in 3 words, what would they be?

Gemma: Helpful, generous, and caring.

Name Tag: Do you have any other comments you would like to add?

Gemma: I know you were interested in our efforts to help the local community. Dr. Shepherd and Pediatric Smiles of Orem have participated in the Give Kids A Smile event for many years. This event has helped many local  underprivileged children receive the dental care they need. Dr. Shepherd has also donated many thousands of dollars in dental work to another local charity, Community Health Connect. He has helped many children who are in pain and in dire need of treatment. Dr. Shepherd does all he can to help those in need. Not only in the community, but in his office and amongst his staff.

Wow, what a spectacular office. If you would like to find out more about Dr. Shepherd, and Pediatric Smiles of Orem click the link below!

6 Steps to a Professional Photo ID

Many companies choose to give their employees a photo ID rather than a basic name tag. This can be a great idea for many different professions, as it creates a level of security, professionalism and confidence for the customer.

But there are many details to consider as you submit photos of your employees for Photo ID Badges. Here are some tips to get your employees looking their best on their badges, making your company look even better.

photo ID identification picture tips

1. Create a set of standards for the photos used

The best way to do this is simply to designate a camera, an employee and a place to take all photos for the IDs. This will ensure control over the quality of the image (more on that below). If you allow employees to submit their own photos, you will have a varied range of images, which may not all represent your company as professionally as you would like. If you do decide to allow employees to submit their own photos, make sure they are following the rest of the tips listed below.

2. No “selfies”

Photos used for identification should be taken by some one other than the person in the photo. Self taken images do not appear professional, and frequently are not at a good angle or do not show enough of the person for good identification.

3. No filters

Photos submitted should avoid using social media filters or similar processes. This is because they can alter the focus, color or overall look of the photo in some stylized fashion. Unless that is a look you want to apply to your photo IDs company wide, no single individual should have it.

4. Content of photo ID should be professional

Use a photo that only contains the person who will be using the ID. Make sure that employees are not posing with pets or other people, even if they are partially cropped out. The employee should be wearing clothing that would be appropriate for their job or standard business attire. The background should not be too busy or distracting; a blank wall or photo backdrop is ideal.

5. Photo ID should show the employee well

Make sure to have adequate light on the employee’s face in the photo. This way the details of their face are easy to see. Keep in mind that we will most likely produce the photo relatively small, so dark photos may lose the shape of the facial features entirely. Photos should be in focus.

6. Do not crop the photos

Name Tag, Inc. will handle all cropping of the images as we produce the Photo IDs. Photos are all cropped to the same standards, creating a uniform look across your company. If a company submits photos which have been pre-cropped, there are sometimes issues with image quality and the shape of some of the individual photos. Allowing us to crop all photos to the dimensions your company’s badge was designed for ensures that every employee gets the best looking ID.

A Guest Article by Melanie Bunch