Impressions of a Name Tag; Miss Manners

Miss Manners answered a question that runs rampant among workers who wear a name tag as part of a uniform. While this question is not always comfortable to ask, we are here to answer it. Name tags are a great tool for personal identification. People have been using them for many, many years in many, many circumstances. Retailers, restaurants, hotels and other consumer service providers continue to use them.

Miss Manners Judith Martin Name Tag Advice

The question posed: “Is it presumptuous to start a personal conversation with a person who is wearing a name tag?”

Miss Manners gave the following answer:

Miss Manners: A name tag does not invite personal questions. A server’s name tag is not an invitation for friendship.

By Judith Martin, “Miss Manners” (Advice Columns, August 11, 2015)


Sometimes I see patrons in a store or restaurant peer at the service employee’s name tag and say something like, “Hello there . . . Tiffany . . . how are you today?” It always comes out with this forced conviviality, as if to say, “Look, everyone! I’m a good, egalitarian person treating the lowly server as a person. Isn’t that great of me?”

I think it actually says, “You have such a menial job that you’re forced to wear a stupid name tag, so I know your name and feel free to use it even though I don’t know you — but you don’t know my name because I’m a higher-class person and get to dress the way I want.”

I think name tags are just so you know whom to refer to if needed, as in, “I think Tiffany is our server. Could you ask her to bring the check?” Am I right to see this as presumptuous behavior?


The presumption in the greeting you mention is not in using Tiffany’s name, but in asking the waitress how she is “doing,” a question about her mood or life that is not relevant to the business at hand.

Miss Manners has no objection to using a form of address that has been supplied by the addressee, even if, in this case, it may technically have been Tiffany’s boss who chose the form. She does wish the form supplied was more formal, as she agrees with you that first names in this context are an invitation to mistreatment.

a server wearing a professional name tag

So, in not so many words, remember what Miss Manners teaches about the etiquette of respecting someone’s personal boundaries. While it is nice to know your server’s name at a restaurant, be kind. Treat all those in service positions in the same manner in which you want to be treated. Name tags are a convenient way of remembering someone’s name. They are an identifier and as such, we should treat them with respect.

No matter your profession, we have a name tag that is suitable for your needs.

mighty badges, reusable badges, logo name tags and a badge holder all provide a quick first impression.

The Functionality of Name Plates In The Work Place

The primary function of a name plate is to inform viewers of a specific person’s name and/or title.

Wall Mounts, Desk Holders, Cubicle Hangers for Name Plates

Many people need to work to earn a living. Those of us who must seek employment may end up in a job or career that requires some sort of personal identification. Personal identification could be as simple as wearing a name tag to work. However, those of us who end up in an office setting, are finding that this personal identification comes in the form of a name plate. Name plates are typically designed with not only the employee in mind, but also the employer.

To promote consistency, many companies tend to use the same style name plate for all employees. Each name plate Name Tag, Inc. offers comes in a plastic or a metal material. Each one can be ordered as a template design or custom made with or without a company logo. And each name plate can be ordered with a wall mount, a desk holder or a cubicle hanger.

These name plates are typically mounted on a door, wall or cubicle in an office setting. There are many ways to accomplish this task. There are desk holders that simply sit on the corner of a desk. There are wall mounts that can be fastened to a wall or door using screws or double-sided tape. However, many people don’t like using screws or tape to stick these name plates to their office walls or cubicles. It also becomes quite the process to make them sit level so that they look professional. Name Tag, Inc. provides another option for those leery of screws and tape. Enter the cubicle hangers; these provide an easy way to hang a name plate using double-sided tape, or just insert the name plate under the hanger so the tension holds it in place. And if a customer doesn’t want to use these cubicle hangers, we do offer velcro and magnetic tape.cubicle hanger for name plates use with double sided tape or tension set

Fun Ways to Say Thank You with Name Tags

Use a customized name tag, name plate or sign to express appreciation for those around you.


saying thank you using name tags name plates signsSaying “Thank you” to someone could be considered the most powerful two words in any language. Why not use it more frequently? There isn’t a single person in the world who doesn’t appreciate hearing these two little words as an expression of appreciation, respect and courtesy. In fact, if people were to say it more often to each other, we would all have a better sense of well being.

With that being said, how do you remember to say thank you? And why is it so important? There are many things to be thankful for. Good service that you received while at a restaurant, a thoughtful gift from a friend at a time that you were feeling a bit down, having someone respect a simple request such as not spoiling the end of a movie.

While it is easy to remember to say thank you for many things, especially if it is in the moment that it occurs, sometimes it gets a bit hard to remember to say thank you for the little things. Try ordering a customized sign that will remind you on a daily basis to say thank you for those little things. Order a bunch of simple name tags with a simple engraved thank you expressing your appreciation and give them out to friends, family or co-workers.

blank name tags name plates signs to say thank youwalnut desk wedge name tags signs to say thank you





Need something a little more accessible? Try a name plate with a customized message that you can place on your desk to remind the people around you at work, or at your home office, that they really are appreciated in your life. All of our products are customizable to fit any need or situation. From a sign you can hang on your office door to the suggested name tags to hand out as a written thank you, all people appreciate the courtesy of a simple thank you.signs name plates name tags to say thank you

Pay attention to the number of times you say thank you in a day and keep trying to up that number. By the end of just one week you will be well on your way toward developing a great habit that will fill your life with many great and wonderful things. So, whether you are at work, at home or out and about, develop a habit to say thank you more often.

Personal Identification Product Examples

Ever wish you could try on a name tag before you buy it?

Examples are available if you ask!

Most stores will let you try on a shirt or a pair of pants to make sure that the fit, color, size and shape are what you’re looking for. When you shop for towels, pots/pans and many other items, you can hold them and look at those too. But, how often do you get to try examples of name tags and other personal identification products?

name tag inc offers product examples to curious customers

Picture this: your boss opens a box of name badges that you ordered for a trade show or meeting. Your company’s logo isn’t the expected quality, nor is the name badge. Now, you probably won’t be fired and may not even get in trouble for it; it wasn’t your fault anyway. But, with Name Tag, Inc., you never have to be in the position of disappointing anyone when ordering any personal identification products. You never have to run the risk of hearing, “These don’t support the quality of our brand.”

personalized identification examples pack

We take out all the risk of buying personal identification products. Experience the high quality of our products by requesting samples of the products you choose. Example requests are for generic products showing the capabilities of our machines and processes. Your complimentary product package will arrive within three to four business days. While we do not offer the actual product without an order, we are more than happy to send something similar in nature so that you will be able to make the correct purchase when it comes time. Get peace of mind and just ask for a product example!

Just a couple of quick sample terms:

  • Products will not include any personalized information (your name, your logo, etc).
  • Color and material chips may be selected as part of the example packet.
  • These products do not count as a design proof. If you would like to purchase duplicates of the item sent to you then you must relay the specific design information to your customer service agent.
  • Any products sent may vary from those shown on the order form.

Summer Fun In The Sun with Coller Industries

summer fun barbecue barbeque bbq coller industries

Every year, Coller Industries Incorporated honors a job well done for their employees by hosting a summer party and barbecue. This year the party was held at a local park here in Utah. There was fun for all ages and the employees were encouraged to bring their families. Food (BBQ) was provided and there were games and a bounce house for the kids.

R&R Barbeque

Hats off to the catering company (R&R Barbeque) for providing the overly delicious food! We had the whole spread: BBQ ribs, chicken wings, beef brisket, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked beans and rolls.

Many of the employees were able to attend this year and were happy to have been included. While we’re not about tooting our own horns, as we like to focus on the needs of our customers, we would like to give a shout out to Coller Industries and the Coller family for providing such a wonderful activity for our employees. And here’s how we say thank you!

Coller Industries - Summer BBQ Party


Coller Industries - Summer BBQ Party


Kylie (Production) “The summer BBQ was a great hit. The food was fantastic and weather was great. I personally enjoyed being with friends, family, and coworkers on such a wonderful day.”

Traci (Customer Service) “We had a blast at the summer party! The kids ran around having fun with water and in the bounce house. The adults enjoyed some relaxed conversation and delicious BBQ.”

Aimee (Customer Service) “It was a beautiful day (and) we had a very good turn out of employees and their families. It was nice to see everyone having such a good time. The food was excellent this year and the bounce house was a hit with the kids.”

Eddie (Design) “The summer party overall was really a good time! (The park) was clean, had a play place for kids, big open grass area, and the bouncer of course. Also the basketball courts. Now the food, was FIRE (great)! Great environment, atmosphere, food, makes for a great party!”

Coller Industries - Summer BBQ Party


Coller Industries - Summer BBQ Party