Product Highlight: Name Tag Fasteners

Name tags are all about visibility. And without the right fastener, name tags can’t reach their full potential!

From adding a logo to the right custom text, name tags are important to everyone. While most name tags are simple enough to feature a name and some company branding, they should also feature a fastener that will aid in the name tag’s presentation. Branding is one of the most important things for businesses, and keeping a name tag visible helps to maintain that hard work.

So, after choosing the right name tag for your business or organization, here are some tips for choosing the right fastener for those name tags.

The most traditional choice for a name tag fastener is a simple pin. Pin fasteners are sufficient to get the job done. However, putting a pin through clothing may be an issue for someone who wears a thin fabric or doesn’t want a possible hole forming. Keep in mind that pin fasteners are quite efficient, inexpensive and super easy to use!

name tags are never finished without choosing from our large selection of fasteners

Our most popular fastener choice is the deluxe magnetic fastener. This fastener consists of two parts. A metal plate with indentations, which holds the magnet in place and adheres to the back of most name tags, and a plastic bar that holds two strong magnets, which holds in place through multiple layers of clothing. Please also remember to never use magnets with a pacemaker.

Swivel bulldog clips are a less expensive alternative to magnets that don’t require poking holes in clothing. These fasteners are also great on photo ID badges and are frequently used with lanyards. The clip can attach to a pocket or a shirt collar for quick and easy use.

name tags are never finished without choosing from our large selection of fasteners

Two pins are better than one, right? Double clutch fasteners are a military style fastener that will keep your name tag in perfect position. With the two pins holding it fast to whatever you are wearing, that name tag isn’t going anywhere! Talk about visibility!

name tags are never finished without choosing from our large selection of fasteners

We also have three more fasteners available:

name tags are never finished without choosing from our large selection of fastenersClip on a Strap
A plastic strap is attached to a bulldog clip and then runs through a slot punched in your name tag.

name tags are never finished without choosing from our large selection of fastenersPocket Clip
The clip is attached to the back of a tag and then slipped onto the top of a shirt pocket.

name tags are never finished without choosing from our large selection of fastenersBulldog Clip with Pin
These bulldog clips with pin fastener allow the wearer to choose between the clip or pin fastener.

Your fastener choice will impact the name tag’s appearance, so choose carefully. Don’t make this decision too quickly. Make sure to weigh all possibilities before adding a fastener to your order. And, as always, if you need help, give us a call!

3 Ways We Went Green

Here’s something you might not know about Name Tag, Inc.:

We offer green products!

reusable name tags and badges help us to keep our many personal identification products greenWe live in a world that seems to be focusing a lot on reusable or “green” products for consumers. Here at Coller Industries, we support this movement to keep our world going around for the benefit of all. And as part of that, we offer several reusable products.

From name tags to name plates, you’d be surprised at the products that can be reused! Here’s a short list, but we’re sure you can find more!

Speedy Badges

reusable name tags and badges help us to keep our many personal identification products greenThese reusable name badges are custom name tags that are a great solution for companies with positions that experience high turnover rates. They are inexpensive and easy to use. Each plastic badge is simple to assemble and comes with a colored frame and a clear plastic lens. Each frame features a gentle forward curve that accents the style and classiness of this badge choice.

What makes this a green choice is the printable paper insert. Just print with your name and even a logo. These can be used over and over again by removing any used insert from the badge and adding a new printed or written paper insert.

Mighty Badges

reusable name tags and badges help us to keep our many personal identification products greenWith three easy to use parts, these name badges are perfect for any business. The metal back plate can feature your logo for easy brand recognition. Add names by printing on the clear, plastic inserts. Then add the clear, plastic lens by snapping it into place over the top of everything to hold it together.

These badges are green the same way a Speedy Badge is. Need a new name badge? Just replace the printable insert at any time.

Logo Only

reusable name tags and badges help us to keep our many personal identification products greenName badges are ideal for high-turnover positions and volunteers. Adding a logo to a name badge will help to associate your employees with the brand image you have worked to build for your company. Add a logo to either a plastic or a metal name badge to make your badges stand out.

This green choice makes your name badges last exceptionally long! Add names and titles to these name badges with either a permanent marker or a label. Just peel off the label or remove the writing with an alcohol pad and reuse again and again.

So, pretty much anything that is labeled reusable is considered a green product. Come on over and find your perfect green product today!

4 Ways Coller Industries Says Thank You

We’ve had another great year here at Coller Industries. 2016 brought a few changes, but they were all needed, and we have benefited from them greatly!

We have also seen more growth to our inventory. Not only does this increase mean more options for our customers, but it means strength to our brand. We released three new products this year to meet the requests and needs of our customers.

a variety of available sizes and examples of event name tagsConference Name Tags

These new name tags are a perfect solution for any meeting planner’s need for inexpensive name badges. Instead of spending your time printing inserts and stuffing vinyl name badge holders (which are still available), we print your attendees’ names on custom laminated tags.

There are 4 Ways Coller Industries Says Thank You and sometimes that is with new productsContemporary Name Plates

These name plates are the perfect solution for desks, cubicles, front counters and reception areas to provide instructions and identification. They are made from quality eco friendly materials and are a cost-effective solution. The plates are easy to customize in any office. Just print a paper insert and assemble the professional looking name plate.

There are 4 Ways Coller Industries Says Thank You and sometimes that is with new productsPartition Pins

The partition pins easily hang a name plate from a cloth covered cubicle wall. Just attach to the back of any name plate or sign for easy visibility.

As with previous years, we have also seen growth inside of our company. We have a new Customer Service Manger and a Senior Account Manager. Hannah and Aimee (respectively) are here to serve our customer’s every need. Of course, we still have the best customer service around to help anyone with their personal identification needs.

Due to some of our new products, our production and shipping department has seen an increase in our machinery. This includes a laminator as well as a new, fancy printer for our name tags. Production and shipping also do a fantastic job with making sure all customer orders are produced and shipped appropriately and promptly.

It was also recently announced at our annual employee Christmas party that our error rate is still under 1%! Here’s a quick review of our current year-to-date statistics:

there are 4 Ways Coller Industries Says Thank You and we guarantee all our products

Since January 1, 2016, Coller Industries has had a total of 122 errors coming from 31,694 orders total. Our overall error rate is 0.393%. This means that 1 in about every 255 orders may contain a mistake; great news for our customers!

Coller Industries would like to thank all of our wonderful customers for an outstanding year! You are the reason we are in business, and we want to acknowledge that. And with that thank you, we also wish you a wonderful and happy New Year!

there are 4 Ways Coller Industries Says Thank You and we love our customers

Merry Christmas from Our Desk To Yours!

coller industries incorporated annual employee christmas party with fun prizes and a jugglerColler Industries enjoys spoiling their employees! And we all love accepting it, especially at the annual Christmas party!

Now, don’t get us wrong. We care about our customers too. And part of that caring means that we are always giving back to our clients and our local community. But, it also means that we are regularly returning benefits to our employees and trying to make work as fun (and productive) as possible.

So, every year Coller Industries invites all the staff and their families to an annual Christmas party. This event includes lunch, games, presents and wonderful conversations! And this year, we had a special treat of local juggler Marcus Wilson.


Marcus, Funny Man Who Does Trickscoller industries incorporated annual employee christmas party with fun prizes and a juggler
(Marcus found out long ago) that as long as he was on stage people seemed to enjoy his obnoxious antics. In high school, while working at a restaurant, he learned to juggle with rolls and oranges and fell in love with useless tricks and odd skills. At the age of 22, armed with a handful of these tricks and a desire to entertain, he began doing shows. About five years later, he began performing in comedy clubs. Since then, he has been making his living performing.

As per tradition, the Red Lion Hotel in Salt Lake City hosted the Christmas party. This has been a favorite venue for our annual party for many years. The hotel had an excellent buffet of food for lunch including prime rib and salmon for the adults and macaroni and cheese with chicken fingers for the youngsters. And don’t forget the desserts: cheesecake, chocolate cake and pumpkin pie were all there!

coller industries incorporated annual employee christmas party with fun prizes and holiday mugs and name tagsEach year Coller Industries also provides an employee Christmas gift that always manages to contain a name tag! Because, well, we just love name tags! This year all the adults received mugs with our logo on them and a name tag in the shape of either a bell or a tree ornament. Each mug had a handful of candy included. And all the kids who were there received a present chosen just for them.

As employees, we would like to give a special thank you to Coller Industries.

And especially the Coller family and our office manager, Eboni, for providing such an enjoyable activity for their employees. And here’s how we say that thank you!

coller industries incorporated annual employee christmas party with fun prizes and a juggler

coller industries incorporated annual employee christmas party with fun prizes and a juggler

Danielle (Customer Service): “I’ve never worked for a company that has had a party before. So, this year was great, and I really enjoyed it!”

Ivan (Machine Operator): “I got to spend the time with co-worker and family. It was one of the best parties I’ve ever been to.”

Kylie (Shipping Clerk): “It was different from previous years, and I really liked that we didn’t do the same thing as before.”

Ramona (Marketing Manager): “The people we work with are such a great group, and it was fun to spend time together outside of work.”

Name Tag Definitions: Part 4

Defining our business helps our customers to understand what we do.

While our FAQ page is full of your questions, we thought we’d get down to the nitty-gritty for you. Here is part four of our definition series. This time we thought we’d cover a favorite question. We get a lot of questions about how customers should provide their lists for their name tag orders. Hopefully, this information will clarify some of these issues.

First things, first. Your list submission process.

You must prepare lists to our specifications. Please submit all names, titles, and other text for your order in digital form. We do not accept submissions via fax or verbally over the phone.

Enter text exactly as you want it to appear on your product, including upper and lower case letters and punctuation. Your list must contain all text you want to be engraved. For duplicate tags, enter the text twice. Please make sure that you are proofreading your list carefully. We use this list exactly as you submit it to print your name tags, so if there is a spelling error on your list, it will be printed that way!

We will not edit your list. Lists not prepared to our specifications will be returned for correction, which may cause a delay in production.

Submit all text as follows:

  • making sure you get your list right for submission definitions of name tags name badges and other personal identificationInformation for each line of text must be provided just as it would appear on the tag/plate. If the layout has the first and last names “stacked” instead of on the same line, then the names will need to be submitted on different lines in your list.
  • For tags with one line of text, enter information without leaving blank lines between tag information. If your tags have multiple lines of text, leave one blank line between each tag’s information.
  • For duplicate tags, you must enter the text twice. If you don’t, we will only produce one tag!
  • Remove all formatting (size, bold, etc.) from your list.
  • You may enter a line of descriptive text into your list to separate groups with different features (fastener type, the number of lines, etc.).

Hopefully, this clears up some things.

We’d also like to cover the difference between uppercase, small caps and mixed case.

small caps explanation making sure you get your list right for submission definitions of name tags name badges and other personal identificationSometimes using capital letters on a name tag can get a little confusing. While most customers want mixed case on their name tags, occasionally we find some people want a variety. Here is what we offer.

Because your name and title lists will be used exactly as you type them, it is important to be consistent when submitting your lists to us. The following guidelines should assist you in formatting your list correctly.

Upper Case

Letters entered in lists as capital letters will show on our products as capital letters, all with the same height.

Mixed Case

Letters entered in lists using both capital and lower case letters, mixed case, will show on our products exactly as entered.

Small Capitals

Some fonts are small capital fonts. These fonts will display lower case letters as capital letters that are slightly shorter than the standard capital letters. All lower case letters show as small capital letters if you select a small caps font. If you submit your list in all capital letters, this effect will be lost.

Do you have any further questions about these definitions or the products to which they pertain?

There will be more articles coming with even more definitions! Please help us by letting us know what definitions you need. Are there specific things you just don’t quite understand? Reply with anything with which you might need! And don’t forget that we have definitions for ribbons too!