3 Top Lessons Learned from Donating

There are many lessons to be learned from providing donations to our clients.

For almost eight years, Clyde and Gary Coller, the CEO and President of Coller Industries Incorporated have generously donated to Granite Education Foundation. The Collers give time and money to those in need, and each year they strive to give back to our local community.

We started donating to Granite Education Foundation in 2009 and to date we have given over $37,000. As employees here at Coller Industries, it is a delight knowing that our employer is so generous and giving to our community. And, each of these individual donations makes its mark on both the givers and the receivers. And each teaches valuable lessons.

Lesson No. 1:

“(Donations make) us more responsible in the community,” said Gary Coller. “Hopefully our customers appreciate when they see that we give back to our community.”

Well said, Gary! These donations not only make us more responsible, but they also make us more aware of the needs of our neighbors and communities. From needing name tags in school and other places of business to needing a helping hand to members of our community, one will always find Coller Industries in the act of giving.

Lesson No. 2:

We received the following letter and valentines from Granite Education Foundation:

Hey, Valentine!
Exchanging heartfelt messages on Valentine’s Day is a well-loved tradition. While the earliest Valentines were little more than hastily scribbled notes, today we can choose from thousands of varieties, each designed for a specific relationship in our lives. A hundred years ago, only sweethearts exchanged Valentine’s Day cards, but the practice has spread to encompass friends, family, colleagues and supporters.
This year, Granite Education Foundation and students from throughout Granite School District want to express our heart-felt thanks for your continued generosity and support. Enclosed you will find hand-made Valentine’s Day cards that our students created with YOU in mind. Additionally, please find enclosed a small edible token as an expression of Granite Education Foundation’s appreciation for your continued support and boundless goodwill.
In our opinion, YOU’RE AWESOME SAUCE, Valentine! Thanks for believing in our mission and for the extra boost you give kids and educators. We couldn’t accomplish what we do without YOU.
Thank you with all our heart!
Brent Severe, Chief Executive Officer
JeAnna Ellis, Office Coordinator / Donor Relations
Audrey Price, Finance / Operations
Erin Woodlief, Giving / Events Coordinator

Donating means that not only have we impacted the lives of Coller Industries employees, but also the lives of the children and teachers in our neighborhoods. So, no matter what we do, we are always aware that people are watching and wondering what we do. It’s never about the name tag, it’s always about the person!

lessons learned from providing donations to those in our communities

lessons learned from providing donations to those in our communities

lessons learned from providing donations to those in our communities

And, last but not least, Lesson No. 3:

By believing in the mission of other organizations and helping them in their directives, we end up helping ourselves. Now, while this may sound a bit selfish, here are the reasons that isn’t the case.

By helping Granite Education Foundation with their needs, we benefit the lives of countless children. Which, in turn, helps their families. And that’s only the beginning of the chain! By paying our efforts forward, we are in fact returning to our community. And just look at the wonderful thank you’s we have received thus far!

We’ve learned from these lessons and we just want to say thank you right back! So, not only to Granite Education Foundation but to all those who receive our donations, THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU! We cherish all of our customers and their communities!

Improving Business In 4 Easy Steps

Here are a few quick and easy ways to help you improve your business with ONE tool!

Being able to recognize someone instantly is a huge benefit to a business these days. It will also contribute to improving your business contacts and employee relationships. Following is a quick list of four ways to improve your overall business by introducing name tags into your daily life.

First, it gives your employee a name!

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsSometimes you might run into an old friend or acquaintance while you are out shopping or at a business function. But, most of the time, you won’t know too many people. All companies can benefit from their employees using name badges. Provide employees, volunteers or event-goers with a name tag or name badge for easy identification.

With each person displaying their name on a name tag, customers and attendees will quickly identify the people they need to ask for help. And when that happens, the employee’s confidence and comfort level increases. All in all, wearing a name tag encourages people to be more mindful of their surroundings.

Second, they provide security!

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsBy giving employees name tags, you are providing security for your office or store. And, who doesn’t want a secure business? With a simple branding logo, employees are easily identified by customers and other employees. No one will ever have to guess at who their coworkers are again.

Another great tool for security is our photo ID badges. By adding a picture, a name and a logo, the wearer is sure to get noticed; and for all the right reasons!

Third, name tags help to hold employees accountable.

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsThis simple tool, similar to a uniform, is the perfect way to remind an employee of where they are. It gives them a sense of direction and purpose. And, it makes it easy for you to follow or spot them in a crowd of customers or event attendees. It is another way to ensure your employees are representing you and your business in the exact way you need to be represented.

Fourth, help yourself in rewarding/disciplining your employees.

When issues arise at your office, store or restaurant and you find a customer needs to speak with management, it becomes easier to identify the employee that needs to be pulled aside. Whether that is for a job well done or a little bit of coaching, a name tag helps the customer know who to report if or when it becomes necessary.

Names are what it’s all about these days in business. Do your customers know your’s and your employee’s names? Help them out with a name tag today at www.nametag.com!

3 Steps: Find Your Perfect Name Tag

While finding your perfect name tag is not an exact science, it shouldn’t be a chore either.

While placing an order with us for name tags, there are many important things to consider. There are a few questions you should ask yourself when starting on the road to the perfect name tag. While this list is brief, it will give you the guidelines you need to find your perfect fit.

choose from reusable, one time use, or long term name tags to match your perfect name tag choiceFirst: Do you need a logo?

While this may seem like a silly question, it is probably the most important. Not all name tags have logos. And some name tag sizes don’t necessarily have room for logos.

Some companies and corporations don’t need to have a logo to identify volunteers or employees. Maybe they just need someone’s first name to identify them quickly. Or maybe they just need a quick title such as “guest” or “volunteer” to provide assistance to clients or event attendees.

Whatever the case, make sure you ask yourself if you need a logo! And, of course, if you do need a logo, we are guaranteed to have the perfect name tag just for you! And that’s where the next step comes in.

Second: Which process fits your name tags best?

Process? What does that mean? Well, that’s an easy question! Do you need something engraved or printed? Here’s the difference:

Engraved: An engraved name tag features two colors: the name tag color and the engraved color. Each tag will have a name, title, logo and any other requested information permanently laser engraved into the tag. If your logo or needs require more than one color, you may want to choose from our printed name tags. If not, these engraved name tags may just be your perfect name tag!

Printed: There are several ways to print on a name tag. UV color, Hot-Stamped or Digital (Full Color) printing are all available for printing your perfect name tag. Premium UV color logo printing is one of the best ways to highlight your logo. The logo is printed on a plastic tag, and any text will be engraved. We can also digitally print a full-color logo and text onto a plastic tag. The text will also be printed in your color choice. The final selection creates a classic, high-quality hot-stamped logo on a plastic name tag and any text will be engraved.

choose from reusable, one time use, or long term name tags to match your perfect name tag choiceThird: How long do you need to be able to use your name tags?

Durability is just as important as anything else when choosing your perfect name tag. When looking for the right fit, make sure you know how long you will need to be using these name tags. Coller Industries offers a full line of reusable name badges. From adhesive, single-use badges to fully reusable badges such as Mighty Badges or Speedy Badges, we’re sure to have something to meet your needs. If you need something to last a lifetime, we have both plastic and metal name tags that will fit perfectly.

Our Selection Guide is a great resource for finding your perfect name tag, too! Follow the simple online steps to located what you need and how to get it. And ordering is just as easy! Any questions, simply give us a call or chat online as we’re always willing to help in any way possible.

How To Keep Up with Industry Trends

New trends are always popping up in odd places, and even name tags are no exception!

Like most things these days, name tags have evolved over the past few years. They are more than just boring names attached to a cashier’s apron or a salesman’s jacket. Businesses and other corporations are finding more ways to make sure that their employees enjoy wearing their name tags.

From new printing methods to custom shapes, trends in the personal identification industry have expanded with the needs prodding them forward.

With these trends comes various questions such as:

  • Will name tags help promote better internal employee relationships?
  • Can they encourage stronger teamwork in offices and retail locations?
  • Are name tags able to help an employee feel more like an individual?

These questions are all answered with a single word: YES!

While each name tag still has the basic information on it, such as an employee’s name and title, personalize each with bright and vivid colors, different types of printing or engraving, and even creative logos and graphics!

How To Keep Up with Industry Trends using personal identification and name tags

How To Keep Up with Industry Trends using personal identification and name tags

How To Keep Up with Industry Trends using personal identification and name tags

One idea that was recently discussed was including personality identifiers on a name tag.

Recently several companies (have been) identifying employee’s personalities on their name tag. There are many personality tests that people use today. While all are a bit different, all shed light on employee’s social patterns, group dynamics and motivating factors. By placing the personality color code on the name tag, employees are able to interact with each other more easily and are able to communicate better. (These) companies (that) are embracing this (are) finding success (in this endeavor).

How To Keep Up with Industry Trends using personal identification and name tagsSo, the lesson here is to embrace these trends. Whether it be a custom shape such as a fish for a pet store, or a brightly colored background to match someone’s mood or favorite color, trends keep us all in business! Need any more convincing? Check out everything we have to offer for your next name tag at www.nametag.com!

Name Tag Definitions: Part 5

These definitions will provide the difference between stock items and custom items. And what you need to know about ordering each kind.

Most of our name tags come with two options. Custom and Stock. Sometimes, trying to figure out what you need can be a struggle.

definitions of name tags name badges and other personal identificationStock Products

First things first, let’s cover what “stock” means. “Stock” refers to an item that is already made or has distinct parts that do not require any added printing or engraving. These items will ship immediately for your use. Stock items are available as Mighty Badges, Speedy Badges and any other reusable products. These “stock” items are ideal for high-turnover companies such as retail stores or call centers. They are also perfect for volunteers. Use each of these products over and over as they have interchangeable pieces.

Pre-Defined Productsdefinitions of name tags name badges and other personal identification

This term may be a bit confusing to some our customers. These “pre-defined” items consist of name tags or name plates that follow a specific, already established design. We call them “Classic Name Tags” and “Classic Name Plates.” And, they are custom in nature. Customize them by selecting the size, the number of lines, a material color and a fastener or holder. We offer several professional name tag and name plate templates to personalize for your needs. These templates do not allow the addition of a logo.

Custom Productsdefinitions of name tags name badges and other personal identification

“Custom” items are made specifically for one customer as per their order. Order all of our name tags and name plates as custom products. This means that you can design your product, whether it be a name tag or name plate, to meet your needs. Design them with names, titles and logos or sometimes full color graphics.

Here at Name Tag, Inc., we pride ourselves on having exact products for which our customers are looking. And, as part of this definitions series, we want to make sure that you understand what you’re getting. Having stock items means that you, as our loyal customers, get what you need and quickly. And by ordering those custom items, it means that you get exactly what you need, no matter what. If we don’t seem to have what you’re looking for, please give us a call, and we’ll find something that works!