Scouting, a School Drumline and Name Plates

Scouting, a School Drumline and Name Plates

Giving back to our community is good for business. It’s a great way to get exposure for a company and to promote products or services. But, giving back isn’t about what you get in return, it’s about who you are helping.

Here at Coller Industries, we understand that when we are helping those in our community, the best thing we get back is that feeling of knowing you helped someone. Investing in the community by donating our products is one of our best forms of marketing. But again, it isn’t just about the marketing possibilities, it’s about the people. Even when the need is small, like for a BSA Eagle Scout project, it’s still important to us.

So, here’s our shout-out to Matt Pellegrini and what he’s doing in his community.

Coller Industries: Tell us about your project. What is the main goal?

Mr. Pellegrini: “The main goal of my project is to help the Enfield High School Drumline, which I am a part of. I have built a large shelf system for the drumline to store drums, cases, stands and harnesses. Right now, in the area where we will be placing the shelf, the drumline has all the drums inside their respective cases on the floor. It is very disorganized, and with the cases laying on the floor it takes up a lot of space. This shelf will keep everything that the drumline needs off the floor and organized.”

Coller Industries: How will the name plate donation help your project?

Mr. Pellegrini: “I am looking to have name plates and metal wall mounts donated to go on the shelf. These name plates will show the drummers where they can store their drums. This donation will help because I have only raised roughly $1,500 through family and friends donating to the project. Any additional donation or discount is appreciated.

“This project is an Eagle Scout project which, if you didn’t know, is the last step in a Boy Scout’s journey through the BSA Scouting program. I am a part of the school’s drumline and know that our music department doesn’t have enough money to buy a shelf along with sending us to several competitions every year. So, I thought this would be the perfect project!

“I am a senior at Enfield High School, and I feel this something I can do for the school along with leaving a little piece of myself behind after I graduate this spring.”

Plastic Name Plates with a UV Color Logo

uv color logo printed plastic name plates to use for a school drumline shelf

Your logo will stand out when it is printed in UV color on a plastic name plate. This high-quality printing method recreates your logo with all its colors, photographic images, shades and blending. All names and titles are engraved to show the underlying color of the two-tone plastic. These plastic name plates are also available in a large variety of colors.

Creating Community Understanding

Understanding the community concept teaches that no matter the setting, there are things which must be done to keep it healthy. These insights are supported and managed by people feeling that they belong somewhere. And this comes with accepting each other and the diversity of those around you. This community understanding makes us responsible for those around us. In turn, this community responsibility not only aids those in need, but it assists everyone influenced by any actions in that community.

Donations are one way that makes us more responsible in our community. And, building trust in our community is not only a requirement but also the best way to maintain any community. This is why we, as a company, are always looking to help out in our neighborhood and surrounding areas.

Scouting, a School Drumline and Name Plates Matt Pellegrini
“Thank you again for your donation! The project came out great and your company’s labels added substantially to the final product!” said Matt Pellegrini.

The Truth About Name Tags

The more you know of the truth about name tags, the more you will want to wear them all the time!

the truth about name tags is that they can even be found on murals on the walls of office buildings

the truth about name tags is that even professional and collegiate coaches wear them

From a mural in Texas to the neck of a football coach in Utah, name tags continue to make a mark in the news! And, the truth about name tags is that actors, athletes and plenty of other people wear them daily. And we’re sure you have heard about people (Scott Ginsberg) that choose to make name tags a daily part of their wardrobe. So, we’re here to prove the truth about name tags and why everyone should be wearing them.

the truth about name tags is that they look great with any outfitRecently, Shannon Palus, a writer at Slate magazine, found herself wishing for name tags in her office. Palus said, “I started at Slate not too long ago, and in my first weeks in the magazine’s New York office, I was faced with a problem that is familiar to anyone who’s ever started a new office job. I was surrounded by dozens of new faces and struggled to connect them to names. Which man with a scruffy beard was the one in charge of podcasts again? Who was the friendly woman at my desk pod offering me some of her snacks? I found myself wishing, as I often do, that everyone was wearing a name tag. In fact, I realized all adults should wear name tags.”

And, here at Coller Industries, we love Palus’ anecdote, “Think of the accessorizing possibilities: Everyone could have a little name tag drawer, right next to underwear and socks. Flowery script for days when you feel fancy, basic Helvetica for no-nonsense impressions… Entire new traditions could spring up around name tags; dare I say it would be a cute move to leave one of your tags at a date’s house?”

The Best Features of Name Tags

From security to identification, the truth about name tags is that people use them for a variety of reasons. And, because of their distinguishing features, name tags are perfect for everyone! By providing everyone at a conference or other event with identification, it reinforces their identities. They will also help with networking activities where attendees may not know everyone yet.

By using name tags at conferences and other events, you become more approachable. And, in turn, this approachability increases your chance of making lasting relationships that will help in life and business. The truth about name tags is that wearing one stretches your personality. It makes you come out of your shell and your comfort zone. And, in turn, it helps others to do the same. Sure, it might be a bit uncomfortable at first, but think about the impact you have on others by immediately disclosing your name.

When you wear a name tag, you become the face of your purpose, and you are representing that to everyone around you. In many ways, this benefits both you and your goal so that the people around you can put a face with a name. We have all heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” So, tell that story simply and quickly with your smile and a name tag.

Name Tags get the Last Word

And, finally, we again agree with Palus when she said, “The thing is, in the 21st century, we already use name tags for lots of our interactions. Entire meetings’ worth of discussions take place on (work chat systems), where you can always clearly identify the name of whoever is ‘talking.’ Facebook is an endless high school reunion, with name tags. LinkedIn is a networking happy hour, with name tags. Twitter is, at times, like being stuck on a 20-hour flight where everyone is yelling, but at least there are name tags. If we made wearing name tags in the real world a social norm, we might even reduce the friction of in-person interactions—and make it a tad easier to log off.”

Because name tags are permission slips, they encourage engagement. Their primary function is to personalize and humanize each person. Inviting encounters is what they do. And you permit this change to happen every time you put on your name tag. So, grab your name tag and start sharing the truth about name tags at your next office party or friend’s night out!

How to Commit to Quality Using Name Tags

From customer service to team building, every business should commit to quality using name tags.

show that you commit to quality with custom name tagsWhat does commit to quality mean?

COMMIT: to carry into action deliberately; pledge or bind (a person or an organization) to a certain course or policy.

QUALITY: the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.

Why would a company need to commit to quality?

In most cases, businesses who do not have a commitment to quality fail. Yes, a company who doesn’t maintain quality in their service or goods can succeed. However, it is far more likely for a business to succeed when they focus and commit to quality.

Author of Out of the Crisis, W. Edwards Deming wrote, “Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs.”

The message to learn from this statement is that no matter the service or product, consistent quality must be your primary business focus. And with that knowledge, you can make sure that your business maintains quality throughout your production and practices.

Deming also wrote, “Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for massive inspection by building quality into the product in the first place.”

Constancy of purpose means that quality decisions are not situational. End of month quality is the same as the beginning of the month. It means that the long term benefit of the organization is not sacrificed to hit quarterly targets. It means having your eye on the competition, whether it is in your industry or coming from elsewhere, with plans to stay ahead.

When a company commits to quality, they must do so from day one. Once a specific quality standard is set, it must be upheld at all production stages and in all departments. And, communicating this standard of quality to your customers is an absolute must. Make sure that your customers understand that when you commit to quality that it isn’t just for your company, it’s for them!

How do name tags help with committing to quality?

To commit to quality is easier than you might think. For a lot of professions, appearance is a crucial factor in this quality. So, maintaining your commitment to quality is easy with a uniform and the proper name tag. Whether you choose a daily business attire like a suit and tie or a matching polo shirt for each of your employees, don’t forget that name tag.

use name tags to establish brand consistency and commit to qualityWhether your job is in the food service industry or you are a CEO of a major corporation, showing professionalism by wearing a name tag is sure to make your job a bit easier. By attaching this simple item to your uniform or daily attire, you will stand out from all of your competitors. And, they make corporate branding a breeze by identifying employees at any business even easier.


From branding to color matching, name tags, like uniforms, help to symbolize your quality. Creating a positive influence with your brand means guaranteeing that all of the services and products of your business are consistent. Employees and customers know when that consistency is not present. So, make sure to choose name tags that reflect your brand’s commitment to quality. And once this is accomplished, showing that you commit to quality is easy.

Company name tags show you care about the quality of your brand. When employees wear name tags, they are more accountable for their actions as customers can comment on them by name. And branded name tags prove to customers that you pay attention to all details. So, when you commit to quality, it helps you gain public trust and grow your business.

Coller Industries commits to quality with every name tag!

For the past five years, Coller Industries has kept its error rate under 1%. In 2018, our overall error rate was 0.386%, which means that only 1 in about 260 orders contained an error. Considering that each product has up to 15 variables, we are proud of this accomplishment. It is thanks to our careful checking process and customer satisfaction guarantee that we can achieve this. And, because of our company procedures, each customer will walk away with a positive consumer experience and the identification products they need.

Investing in the proper tools also shows that you want to commit to quality. From name tags to lanyards and even custom ribbons, help your business branding with logos, colors and so much more!

Plan the Perfect Event with Quality Name Badges

From conferences to seminars, every event needs quality name badges. Personal identification is key to any event whether it’s a conference, seminar or trade show. As an event host or planner, you want your attendees to enjoy networking at your event. And, when they do, they are more likely to return again next year. Use quality name badges to put people at ease and make your conference or seminar a success.

What’s in a name?

Knowing someone’s name makes people more comfortable socializing with that person. With each attendee sporting a name badge, people will have a positive networking experience at your event.

Which type of name badge you use depends on your specific needs. Each one comes with many positive features and all of them are great for networking. Here are a few options to help you find the right fit for you.

Our Quality Name Badges

Adhesive Name Badges are perfect for when you need a quick, short term option. The adhesive will stick to almost any clothing and works well with any dress code. Have attendees write their name on these sticky tags using a pen or marker. Or, print their names in advance for faster registration. These name badges also come in five different colors so you can divide attendees into groups or identify them by their job position for easy networking.

Adhesives Name badges for any event.

Badge Holders are commonly used for conventions, schools, security and visitor passes. And like with adhesive name badges use the different colored inserts to separate attendees into groups or categories to keep your event organized. Slip a printed insert inside a holder for easy identification. Once the event is over, collect each badge holder for reuse. They also come with different fastener options including punched slots to use with custom lanyards.

Badge holders for event identification.

Conference Name Tags provide you with a pre-printed solution that is also budget friendly. Each tag is laminated to give your conference badges a professional style. Available in three standard sizes, customize these name tags with full color logos or graphics. Like badge holders, they come in a horizontal or vertical orientation with multiple fastener options.

Conference Name Tags to customize for any event.

Whichever name badges you need, what matters is having quality identification to impress your attendees and create a positive networking event.

Celebrating Christmas, Name Tag Style

From name tags to custom ribbons, all we want is to celebrate Christmas in style!

While it’s all about personal identification 364 days of every year, for one fleeting day it’s about socializing and stuffing ourselves full of delicious food. And, this Christmas is no exception!

Customer Service employees celebrating at the Coller Industries Incorporated Christmas party

Marketing Department employees celebrating at the Coller Industries Incorporated Christmas party

Production and Shipping employees celebrating at the Coller Industries Incorporated Christmas party

Here at Coller Industries, we pride ourselves on our high-quality workmanship, our culture of quality and our perfect name tags and ribbons. And, while we like to boast about our less than 0.05% error rate, we also want to boast about our nearly perfect employees.

Ramona, the Marketing and Web Services Manager, said, “It’s amazing just how much everything works together. We have such a culture of quality in this company. And, it is so impressive that we are less than a half percent in our error rate.”

All in all, Coller Industries strives in every way possible to get each order not only out the door quickly and efficiently, but correctly! And our low error rate proves this, not only to us but to our current and potential customers.

Aimee, the Senior Account Manager, said, “It has been a fun and exciting year getting to know our many customers and I would like to thank all of the employees, everyone from every department for their assistance and support in ensuring the satisfaction of all of our customers.”

Having a low error rate increases sales and increased sales translate into happy customers. And with happy customers, Coller Industries remains in business to continue to serve everyone and their personal identification needs!

And, part of this happiness needs to extend to our family here at Coller Industries.

Hannah, the Customer Service Manager, said it best, “What makes Coller Industries stand out, is that it feels more like family than work. We all support each other and care about each other, and I think that is such a big contribution to how well we do as a company. Obviously work is work, but it is so much easier to do when everyone you work with is a friend, and everyone cares about each other. I think that is part of what keeps us so motivated to do well.”

Celebrating at the Coller Industries Incorporated Christmas party

Celebrating at the Coller Industries Incorporated Christmas party

Our annual tradition of the Christmas party includes a giant luncheon hosted and catered at a local hotel. This year’s meal included prime rib, chicken, salmon, asparagus and other sides for a feast fit for a king. There were also delicious appetizers of crackers and spinach dip with prosciutto wrapped asparagus.

Vance, the Design Manager, said, “I enjoyed the appetizers, I was nearly full by the time the main meal was starting. And I liked that this year’s party was smaller, with only the one guest it made the party feel more about our accomplishments as a group than a meal with families.”

Playing games at the Coller Industries Incorporated Christmas partyWe also played games and gave out prizes for raffles. From a holiday word scramble to trying to remember who had played the jolly man in red, the games were a blast and the presents even better.

And, every year each employee receives a personalized gift from Coller Industries. This year was a water bottle decorated with the CI logo which was full of candy. We also got a custom embroidered jacket with the CI logo.

Employee Awards at the Coller Industries Incorporated Christmas partyThis year we also had a special treat and recognized the hard work of several employees. From perfect attendance to most efficient, each of these employees received one of our new custom plaques engraved with their specific talent and name.

Here are more thoughts from several employees about our fabulous annual Christmas party:

Crystal (Shipping Clerk) “Everything about the party this year was just so amazing and fun. I wouldn’t have changed anything. And, I really like how plaques were given out for employee appreciation.”

Mathew (Web Design / Development) “The people and environment are the best part about the annual party. It is a nice casual setting where we can enjoy one another’s company and socialize.”

Leslie (Shipping Clerk) “My favorite thing about the Christmas party was getting together with all of the employees and just having fun.”

Charles (Sample Requests) “I always enjoy the company of my coworkers as we are also friends. And it isn’t very often that we get to chat and hang out throughout a workday.”

We just want to say thank you to everyone who works for Coller Industries. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for our wonderful employees. And, to all of our customers, have a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!