Planning for Summer Activities

(Products to Help and Tips for the Perfect Event)

Whenever people gather together, whether it is for a wedding, a business conference or a summer festival, the most important part is making sure people participate. Start with employee engagement for your summer activities, and ignite your team’s spirit with refreshing activities such as BBQs, bowling and more.

Corporate summer events are the most successful when the activities are things that employees want to do, and the more fun, the better. Foster goodwill among employees and give people a chance to mingle with people outside their regular work contacts by hosting a summer event. But don’t forget that someone is always needed to oversee the event’s details to ensure that it happens and is a success.

Organizing a seminar, conference, brand promotion, or product launch is not as easy as it may seem. However, paying attention to small details is essential and will impact the participants at your event. They say the devil resides in the details, and it is this devil you need to cater to when planning a summer corporate event. All events need a lot of planning and proper execution to avoid losing out on participants. So, make sure that you start well ahead of time and get everything in order before the big day.

10 Things to Keep In Mind While Planning Your Corporate Event

The most important point to consider when planning an event is to decide on the theme. This means that you need first to conceptualize your idea. You also need to bear in mind the targeted audience for the particular event. Based on these two main aspects, i.e., the audience and the theme, you need to plan and execute the corporate event accordingly.

It pays to know your resources well, and it will only help you delegate the responsibilities well in advance. Remember, it is always best to have designated people to do their respective jobs rather than taking it all on your shoulders. Distribute the work evenly, and keep backups just in case there is a last-minute slag. Most importantly, collaborate on the event with them at all times.

A day before the event, make sure you have everything in place. You could visit the venue a couple of hours before the event and check the sound and light system. Ensure that the arrangements are proper and everything is looked into. Handing out programmed brochures to the guests will make the event seem more organized. Remember, the first impression will leave a lasting impact on your guests.

To do this, you would have to ensure that the entry management is efficient and well-organized. Last but not the least, ensure there are no snags and delays in your event that will put off your guests. Also, remember to place your guests’ safety and satisfaction at the helm of all your efforts. By keeping all these things in mind, you will leave your guests with a smile, translating your event into a huge success.

Personal identification products that can be customized to use at any summer activity your business is planning.

Team Building and Employee Summer Engagement

Teamwork is critical to any business’s success, both large and small. So, when employees can connect over common interests, goals and ambitions, they will work better together. And when you have a team that builds up each other, your business will constantly succeed.

Keeping your team motivated takes effort, especially during summer activities. And as a business owner, you need to help your team members develop their bonds to collaborate and communicate effectively. Enter team building!

Team building activities and games are supposed to be educational and enjoyable. They help the team learn about each other — how each person thinks, works, solves problems and has fun. So whether you want to do some icebreakers or just bond your team, there are inventive ways to do this.

Badge Holders and Lanyards to Spice up Your Summer Activities

Badge holders with printed inserts and colorful lanyards used during a company summer event.

Nearly every organized event requires attendees, volunteers, and others to wear name badges. So, hand out customized badge holders and lanyards to everyone at your summer event. Also, make sure to keep extra badges just in case you need them during the day of the event. With printable inserts, it’s easy to get someone’s identification quickly.

Once everyone is identified clearly at your summer activities, it helps ease introductions. That way, those in attendance can move on to more important things, such as business discussions and networking. Badge holders are one of the easiest (and most affordable) ways to identify large groups of people. Add in lanyards for extra branding and recognition.

So, get your employees involved this summer at your office shindig (and color coordinate your teams for better participation). Having fun this summer at your office party is even better with fun titles! Print them on inserts in badge holders for your summer activities.

Conversations About a Lanyard

As lanyards are an easy way to display name badges and other personal identification, they are used every day by various people. College students, teachers, employees in retail stores, office workers and even government officials wear lanyards to show IDs or security reasons.

When everyone at the company is wearing the same lanyard, it creates a sense of unity. Colleagues work together with camaraderie and respect. Whether your employees or in the office or on a corporate retreat, company lanyards instill the reality that everyone is a part of the same team, including upper management.

Networking is also an essential aspect of trade shows and summer events. Lanyards identify you and your colleagues by carrying name badges and advertising your company name and logo imprinted on the material. Also, lanyards work with nearly any dress code. Professionals can wear lanyards with their suit, dress shirt or blouse without compromising their appearance. Lanyards also allow people to carry their identifications or credentials without damaging their clothes with pins or other fasteners.

Employees should wear a badge holder for summer events to help create unity and elevate the security. Leaders need to be able to identify each participant at the event, and having each employee wear a lanyard and a name badge will help identify those who belong. They also aid in remembering people’s names.

Name Tags and Badge Ribbons for Your Next Summer Event

Black engraved name tag with colorful custom badge ribbons designed for use during summer activities.

From company summer festivities to family reunions, name tags and badge ribbons are perfect for every event. You can tell people more about each other at first glance with a highly personalized ribbon attached to their name tag. Likewise, if you have VIPs or other prominent members at your event, set them apart with a ribbon that reflects their importance or position.

Networking with Name Tags

Here’s the scenario: “You’ve just arrived at your weekly, cookie-cutter networking event. After walking up to the registration table, you search across a sea of identical plastic name badges with tiny print for the one with your name and company printed on it. You’ll affix this name tag to your shirt at the least awkward angle you can contrive and proceed into a crowded room of people all arching their necks to scope out the people worth chatting to while trying not to stare at someone’s chest for too long. (And most likely many have chosen to position the name) tags to be hidden in the folds of jackets or flipped around entirely, making them impossible to read. Good luck with that one.”

We’re here to offer that perfect solution. We offer a product that facilitates networking and promotes making those critical connections. In addition, our name tags and reusable badges are ideal for use with our lanyards and other fasteners.

Stand out from any crowd with bright, fun and festive badge ribbons.

Each ribbon helps make an initial introduction when worn with a name badge. They help break the ice for those attending social meetings and a get-together. And, it is always fun to think outside the box to come up with unique ways to personalize these badge ribbons.

While name badges are the usual place to find a badge ribbon, these identification tools are perfect for imaginative uses. From group identifiers to getting-to-know-you games, these ribbons help add flair to any event or function. However, use your imagination and create fun things to add to these promotional ribbons. They don’t always have to be professional. Instead, add silly things that will make them memorable such as Coffee Fiend or Here For The Food. Also, let attendees pick out something that describes their personality so others at a conference or corporate meeting will feel more at ease.

Ribbon Tools for Employee Engagement

Badge ribbons are the perfect tool to engage your employees, especially during summer events. With many different colors to choose from, and you can add any text and small graphics, these ribbons are incredibly versatile. Use them to inform your employees about your next event. Or, use them for event games, fun summer-themed titles and more.

No matter your event, you can make these ribbons work for you! Whether it’s an employee-only event or a summer get-together that your business is sponsoring, badge ribbons can do most of the work for you. First, include messages of dates, times and locations for each of your events. Then, use them to help employees and customers stay engaged with your business.

You can also use custom top ribbons as awards, reminders and souvenirs at your next company summer event. These ribbons are just as versatile as badge ribbons but a bit fancier. Sometimes the best way to keep your employees continually engaged is a simple reminder of the fun they have with your company. Summer events are the perfect reminder. So, create unique and engaging ribbons to give to your event guests as a reminder of the fun they had celebrating.

Custom Signs Designed for Summer Activities

Custom sign designed to show daily schedules for summer activities.

The best part of custom products is personalizing them for every event or need, including planning office summer activities. Informing your customers upfront about business hours and policies builds customer trust and keeps them coming back. Adding professional signage to your business (and event) will help your employees and customers understand your company goals. After all, helping your customers is your number one priority, so make sure they know by using classy engraved signs.

Finding a way to let your customers know where things are just got easier with stock engraved signs. Welcome everyone to your lobby by providing instructions on how you handle business. Help your customers find their way around your facility with easy-to-read stock office signage. Make your business more welcoming with custom and stock signs featuring messages that help your customers.

Signs also play an important role at your summer events. Add daily schedules, include information about the event or simply display a fun summer message. No matter what, make sure your message is engaging for everyone in attendance at your event.

So, what are the benefits of throwing company sponsored summer activities?

Hosting any company summer activities is one way to keep employee morale boosted, which can often dip up and down quite often. It’s almost seen as a perk, just in the same way that a Christmas party is. Giving your team the chance to interact outside of the office is one way to boost their morale. In addition, it provides the team with an opportunity to get to know each other better, and differently.

Learn even more: 5 Tips for Planning a Conference

12 Ways to Say Yes to Your Conference

Atendees at a conference, 12 steps to planning your event

Attending a professional conference provides an unmatched opportunity for attendees to build networks, strengthen their work ethic and get new ideas for the workplace. They also give employees a way to get out of the office and increase employee morale. As a result, these face-to-face events continue to make lasting and sizable contributions to any work environment.

From choosing the perfect venue and catering the menu to finding the best speakers, no matter your needs for hosting the best conference, look no further than right in the mirror. Yes, you can plan and carry out a successful event. And here are some easy-to-follow steps to get you started.

1. Objectives and Goals

When you decide to hold a conference, the first thing to do is to figure out the conference objective and set your intended goals. Why would you make the time and effort to plan this type of event without a purpose? You would just be wasting your time and resources.

So, define that objective. It can be anything from informing attendees about the latest tech gadget to helping colleagues learn the best way to write an interoffice email. Not only should your conference have goals but remember that your attendees will also have their goals and expectations for the event. Most people say they attend an event to gain knowledge or increase skills.

One of the best ways to find a conference objective is to ask those around you what they need. Find something that only you can offer and take it from there. And remember that it can start small. A small idea can find a greater purpose.

2. Conference Location and Venue

Three words: remember your audience. Now is the time to consider who will attend your conference. Plan everything with the needs of your attendees at the forefront, and you will be sure they will get a lot of new information and actionable ideas from the conference.

Find a location that supports the number of people invited and has a comfortable environment for your attendees. Be sure that any necessary technology is available. Think through the entire process, will there be space to greet your guests? Are you providing refreshments or meals? If this is a multi-day event, consider the availability of housing. Remember, it’s about a whole event, and you want to be prepared.

Conference Speaker

3. Conference Speakers and Subjects

Your event lineup should be enticing to those attending. Find speakers who will be engaging and exciting for those in attendance. Of course, not all subjects will be exciting, but find someone to make them enjoyable.

There are opportunities everywhere to find speakers for any event. Look inside your company, or ask friends and family if they know someone willing to present on a topic that they might find intriguing. But, no matter where you find your speakers, remember to get them on board with your conference objective. For example, there is no point in having someone talk about fish if your conference is about digital literacy.

4. Setting Your Conference Agenda

Begin to set up the schedule for each presenter. Most conferences post their agenda ahead of time. In addition, many planners now have interactive mobile applications to help you schedule speaker times and other activities during your event. But that is just the beginning.

Take it a step further, and ensure that all attendees have access to a schedule to plan their best experience. Everyone should know beforehand what they can expect from your event.

5. Open Every Door

Make sure everyone has the opportunity to take full advantage of your event. Carefully plan the agenda to create an immersive and interactive experience for all attendees.

If you need to, take a poll on what people expect from your objective and work from there. But, no matter what you do, keep the door open for everyone. Sometimes this is as easy as finding a venue with an open floor plan. Other times, it could be activities to get people moving around and communicating with each other.

Panel of experts at a conference

6. Providing the Whole Experience

Your conference needs to be about the whole experience, not just speakers or significant events. To keep everyone engaged and interacting, remember your audience and objective. A conference is more than just someone standing on a stage talking about their topic. It’s creating a collective mind intent on learning everything they can about this subject.

So, even if you are holding a conference about those previously mentioned fish, remember that the ocean is full of different types of fish. Yes, weird analogy, but here’s the point: keep the conversations going. There more people are engaged, the better your conference will be for everyone involved and have the opportunity to grow and learn.

7. Interactive Conference Events

When you don’t have someone speaking or presenting, provide other learning opportunities such as mentor programs or expert panels. These small group activities offer incredible chances for people to meet, mingle and often find answers they won’t find anywhere else.

And, What is a conference without networking? Please encourage the participants to build relationships with newfound friends and colleagues. While these interactive events can be simple or creative, make time for them, they are significant.

8. Professional Identification

Helping your attendees make lasting connections is a large part of the purpose of any event. So, yes, you need name tags! Make this an easy process by providing event credentials. From badge holders for schedules to speaker name tags, using identification will help everyone involved.

Personal identification is key to any event, including conferences, seminars or trade shows. As an event host or planner, you want your attendees to enjoy networking at your event. And, when they do, they are more likely to return next year. So use quality name badges to put people at ease and make your conference or seminar successful.

Take every opportunity to network at a conference

9. Networking and Socializing

One of the most important things that can happen during events is the opportunity to develop a supportive system of sharing information and services. With each attendee sporting a name badge, people are more comfortable socializing and more likely to have a positive networking experience.

Provide opportunities throughout the conference for attendees to share their information with others. For example, if you offer printed schedules for use with badge holders, include a QR code for easy sharing. But no matter how information is shared, provide as many opportunities as possible for everyone to mingle.

10. Set the Standards

On the event day, you want to ensure that everyone is comfortable and feels safe. When considering a dress code, consider your venue, attendees, objective, and speakers/presenters. Make sure that everyone will be comfortable and still able to maintain your desired level of professionalism.

If your event has activities requiring special equipment, be sure to communicate that to your attendees and, while you are at it, let them know what facilities and equipment will be available for their use.

11. Keep Your Audience in Mind

Whether providing time for breaks or making healthier choices for catered meals, make your conference flow better by keeping your audience in mind. Help your attendees be comfortable while shifting from their daily work life to attending your conference. Plan events with travel time and meals in mind. Ensure multiple options are available when providing food and catering, so no one goes hungry.

It is, after all, about those coming to your event. Make the experience memorable so the participants want to attend another fabulous conference put on by their favorite event planner: YOU!

12. Be Present During the Event

A conference is a grand event, and once it begins, all of the planning is behind you, and hopefully, everything is going well. So don’t disappear into the background now, be sure to participate in all the activities. It is a good idea to ask for feedback throughout the day so that you can take your event planning to the next level in the future.

Event Planning Made Perfect

Event planning is a marketing tool organizations of all sizes use to communicate with current and potential clients and employees. It is the process of planning a festival, ceremony, competition, party, concert or convention. For many industries, nothing beats a hands-on experience created by personal interactions. Whether your event is big or small, the overall attendee experience needs to be good enough for them to want to come back next time.

Event planning is a marketing tool organizations of all sizes use; badge holders, lanyards and ribbons help.

Many large companies, organizations and individuals are now hiring event planners to handle the planning and socializing of their events. These events can range from a wedding to a small office meeting and anywhere between. If not properly planned, any event could have hitches and bumps along the way.

Generally speaking, there are two markets for event planning services: corporate and social.

Corporations host trade shows, conventions, company picnics, meetings and holiday parties for employees, members or stockholders. Social events may include weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, parties and reunions.

The Ever Important Event Planner

Finding a purpose or specialty is one of the first steps in succeeding as an event planner. There are many types of planners (weddings, large events, parties, etc.), so finding a niche may be the easiest task.

There are many reasons to hire an event planner when planning an event or a party. Event planners coordinate all the necessary details of these events. And face it, event planning takes, well, planning. So, why not hire a professional? An experienced event planner should be able to realize anyone’s vision of an event successfully.

A good event planner must have a passion for detail to succeed.

They also need drive and perseverance to stay in this competitive environment. Event planners play many roles during an event. In addition to being designers, they need to be leaders, problem solvers, innovators and strategists. It is also important to appreciate different cultures, religions and traditions.

Those seeking this line of work are encouraged to obtain a degree or certificate before starting this vocation. Most experienced planners agree that jumping in head first is a bad idea as there is no foundation to stand on. Many encourage shadowing or volunteering with an experienced planner to develop the necessary rapport and tools.

Event planning is a highly competitive profession, and anyone considering this line of work needs to show up with a loaded tool belt. Equip this belt with the ability and skill to determine a great and inviting theme and find vendors and suppliers to make any event go smoothly.

Finding Your Tool Belt

Event planning is about managing events intended to achieve unique and individual objectives. Many event planners just starting in the industry spend most of their time marketing themselves and finding clients. During this time, they should also get to know local vendors.

Vendors useful for any event planner are people or places such as florists, caterers, photographers and different venues. A good vendor can always play multiple parts in any event. This list will grow as successful events are accomplished and can be used to maintain that necessary tool belt.

Effective communication is an essential key to successfully researching, designing, planning, and coordinating any special event. Event planning can be overwhelming if the correct tools are not readily available. Knowing all available resources pays off and will help when delegating responsibilities in advance.

Any time people gather together for a purpose, whether it is a conference, a formal dinner or a grand opening, someone needs to manage all the event details to guarantee its success. These details should also include any vendors such as caterers, photographers or speakers, depending on the particular specialty.

Hosting an event takes time, talent and perseverance.

To be a successful event planner requires a focus on these talents. It also requires getting to know the correct tools and how to use them. Merely having an eye for detail helps, but doesn’t complete the task of having the proper tools.

Utilizing the proper tools allows creativity to flow more naturally and create the perfect atmosphere for any event. Let the juices flow and soar above the rest by having these tools readily available for any need. Take steps to make your event a success, and they will come back time and time again.

All themes for significant events can develop from great ideas, but making them come together, work well and have great attendance can be a grueling and daunting task. When an event is well organized, it guarantees a good impression. This first impression is sure to leave a lasting impact. It can also help to set the current trends in event planning.

Expanding Your Event Planning Tools

An important vendor is for custom credentials, name badges and lanyards. As many events require some sort of admission or identification, it is worth investing in these items. A good event planner knows that name tags and other supplies help guests understand where they need to be and who is in attendance.

Identifying Each Visitor

badge holders are only one tool you need for your perfect event planning tool belt

Many corporate events require that attendees wear name tags to be easily identified. These name tags can include names, titles and companies. When everyone is identified clearly at events, it can help ease introductions to others so that attendees can move on to more important activities during the event.

While most name tags are worn at corporate events, they are also used at social events. Remember, identification is critical. Use a name tag for a table number or a descriptive sign for food items. Make sure your attendees know and understand your purpose, who they are, and why they are attending your event, not the one down the hall.

Associating Each Visitor Appropriately:

adding ribbons to your event planning tool belt is essential in making any name badge stand out

Identify sponsors, presenters or speakers with different colored ribbons. Add a promotion or an advertisement to make someone stand out. Or, use these ribbons to differentiate guests and organizations from staff or volunteers. Customize each ribbon to express any desired effect. Choose from an abundance of stock titles or create a new one.

Every event can use some flair. Show style and preparation through packaging and presentation. Use ribbon rolls to illustrate the product’s benefit. Tell people more about the event at first glance with a highly personalized ribbon. Use it to wrap business or calling cards for a unique touch. Create a wall of ribbons that hold the name tags for the event.

Promoting Those in Attendance at Any Event:

Use custom lanyards to add a sense of identity to work functions, conferences, trade shows and other events. When people are flowing through an event venue, keeping track of them using credentials becomes necessary. Lanyards can add value to the event when customized with the convention name, sponsors or logo. Event planners often order the same design on different colored lanyards for different attendees or officials.

lanyards are a great event planning tool

Event planning with badge holders, custom lanyards and badge ribbons.